Merry Christmas, CD!

Dec 24, 2011 23:49

Title: Christmas Wishes
Series: Matrix: Degrees of Separation
Characters: Agent Jean, Agent Shepherd
Word Count: 100+
Rating: G
Summary: "This is not a hint."

Christmas Wishes


Jean brought a mug of hot chocolate into Shepherd's office. Then, he carefully peeled plastic from a candy cane and inserted it into the hot chocolate. With a thoughtful frown, he shifted the crook around to the side opposite the handle. Then he set it before Shepherd, on top of the reports.

Shepherd smiled. "Is this a hint?"

"Oh no," Jean said. "A hint was when I put the Merovingian's Christmas party on your planner. This is a suggestion."

The Agent Prime laughed and picked up the hot chocolate. "Very well. Shall we go down when I finish this?"

Jean smiled. "Please."


movies: the matrix, writing, rpg: degsep

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