Transformers: Dark of the Moon

Jul 24, 2011 15:27

Well, the franchise definitely went out with a bang! And a coherent plot, thank the Lord.

01. Man, Megatron hasn't gotten to be dangerous since the first movie. The whole concept of the fallen king, too damaged to even fly, battered and weary of everything? Awesome. Execution? Fail. Mostly because they were ignoring the character as much as they could get away with.

On the other hand, I really like his keffiyeh. The whole "Imhotep before he collected all his canopic jars" look was pretty cool.

02. Sam isn't a messenger, he's a harbinger.

Also, watching Sam lose his god-damn mind against the soldiers not letting him into see Lennox was awesome. That boy can throw some spectacular hissy fits.

It's been amazing seeing him growing up over the course of these three movies. I'm really baffled by the way the US government hung him out to dry. He's got a college degree. Put him into an officer school, make him a Special Forces officer. He's got what it takes.

03. We had Wreckers! Yet no one said "wreck and rule!" even once. What.

"We don't let them off base, because they're assholes." <3

04. Movie Hellbender and movie Shockwave were awesome. Seriously. I went out and got a Shockwave toy right after I left the movie. Shockwaaaaave. <3

Of course, like all Decepticons, Shockwave is mostly there to be destructive scenery. Still. He was very destructive scenery.

05. Apparently my red combat-jockey was Mirage, not Cliffjumper. D:

06. Soundwave. :D Nice new car transform there! Also, Laserbeak was pretty cool. I'm not as excited about him as some people seem to be, but I do love what they did with him.

07. Simmons and Dutch were awesome. Lennox and Epps were awesome. Really, one of the things I love about the Transformers movies is the human characters. They do things. They're dangerous to Transformers. These movies need that; otherwise, the humans are just pets for the Autobots.

08. Man, Barricade survived this far? I'm shocked.

Though, like every other named Decepticon and a good chunk of the unnamed ones, he died. Violently.

09. The whole 'human collaboration' angle was excellently done. I wanted to punch a fair number of them in the face. Also, Sam has the magnet for crazy people involved in huge conspiracies.

10. Sentinel Prime. I just. I.


This plan was even stupider than the Fallen's. I can see why "find the Allspark" was Megatron's Plan A.

The character was interesting, though I am glad Carly called Megatron out on letting Sentinel walk all over him. I don't know, I think I'm blinded by the sheer stupidity of bringing Cybertron to Earth.

ETA: On further reflection, I really do love the whole thing with him being an Autobot traitor. It's an angle we pretty much never see in the Transformers franchise. The way they depicted him, yeah, his going to the Decepticons makes sense. He cares about Cybertron, not Earth, not the War.

It is not a bad thing to value your own planet over someone else's. It's a bad thing when you start cataclysms because you value your own planet over someone else's.

Also, the Cosmic Rust gun. That was kinda dickish, Sentinel.

11. Wheelie and Brains actually got to be pretty darn cool this movie. Hijack a Decepticon fighter-craft! Enter a Decepticon warship! Pull out wires until something bad happens!

12. Guys? People live at Chernobyl now. *twitch*

13. Seriously, Megatron had three different plots going on while he was on ice? All revolving around Earth? Okay, they were all setup before he went on ice, but all of them centering on Earth? Seriously?

movies: transformers bayverse

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