Day Ten

Jul 22, 2011 18:04

10. Pairings - Have you ever gone outside your comfort zone and written a pairing you liked, but found you couldn't write, or a pairing you didn't like, and found you could?

I... Fuck if I can remember. Well, yes, there are some pairings I love that I cannot write for crap. But whether or not I like a pairing is irrelevant to whether or not I can write it. What I write may not be nice, but I'm still able to write it.

For me, pairing fic doesn't have to be romantic and fluffy. One of my personal favorite bits of Transformers slash I've written is from the pov of one Autobot falling into obsession with a young, jerkass member of the Decepticons. There is lots of UST and denial. It makes me prrr.

Sometimes I have to work to find an angle to make two people fit together. This is often where things go from romantic to potentially disturbing. Tracks/Sunstreaker took me a while to figure out because I couldn't imagine Sunstreaker admitting it or Tracks being interested without a compelling reason to be interested.

writing, meme: 30 days of fanfiction

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