Title: Stick in the Mud
Rating: G
Words: 200+
Characters: Bumi, Pakku
Summary: Bumi makes a new friend.
Author's Note: Written for
avatar_500's prompt of 'element'. Also, practicing my Bumi voice.
Stick in the Mud
The Water Tribesman stands ankle-deep in the river, eyes cold. He's less than half Bumi's age, barely out of his teens if the earthbender is any judge. A slight tremble runs through his frame, but Bumi doesn't mistake it for fear. Not from this scowling brave with the armband of a master on his left arm.
Bumi grins. He hasn't had a fun fight, not since Aang vanished and Kuzon withdrew.
His grin makes the Water Tribesman scowl all the more.
"What's your name?" Bumi calls, bare feet sliding on the white, white sand of the riverbank. "Got to know a man's name before you bury him."
The water around the Tribesman stops flowing. "What's yours?"
"Pakku," he says, and the river roars high behind him like a dragon.
It is a fun fight. Pakku is fast and slippery, harder to hold onto than an eel. Bumi's soaking wet before too long and half-drowned, but there's enough earth in the water to make it hard for Pakku to bend. Definitely a master that he can still bend it at all, but a young master. Bumi has thirty years on him, and he bends mud as easily as stone.
He chortles as Pakku comes up spluttering from a dip in the mud, filthy as an earthbender. The Water Tribesman spits out mud, making faces, and Bumi just laughs all the harder.
Pakku scowls at him, then picks up a handful of mud and throws it.
It spatters against Bumi's chest, and he finds himself rolling on the ground with laughter.
The Water Tribesman laughs, too, and Bumi decides he'll do whatever it takes to make his new friend laugh again.