Baaaaaaaaby Meme!

Feb 05, 2010 20:21

Because my hormones are flailing at me and demanding procreation. Stupid hormones.

- Two slots unless you're one of the people I normally give extra slots to. In that case, you get five.
- Male/female pairings only. Or female/female with suggested sperm donors. I've already done an mpreg meme, kthx ( Read more... )

character: katara, character: earth kingdom, character: hyo, character: suki, character: mai, character: jet, character: hitozi and ursa, character: song, character: next-gen avatar, character: fire nation, character: zuko, character: ozai, character: megatron, character: ursa, writing, series: avatar, character: hahn, series: g1 transformers, character: seekers, character: oc transformers, series: reboot, character: toph, character: azula, character: long feng, character: iroh

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crystaldrake February 6 2010, 03:03:25 UTC
Iroh/Ming - sometimes those surprises happen.

Aang/Ty Lee - :D


Iroh/Ming, sometimes these surprises happen beckyh2112 February 7 2010, 00:09:28 UTC
"Pu-erh," Iroh suggested as he peeked at the little girl. "Or Assam. Very good, very traditional names."

Ming eyed her lover. "Those are teas."

"As I said-" He nodded, looking pleased with himself.

"You do not name a child after tea," Ming said archly. The little girl was three days old, and it was time for her to have a proper name. By Ming's standards, at least. The royal family apparently did not officially name children until they were a week-old.

They also didn't offer to the local river spirits and fire shrine to guard the child, so she could see why they lost so many children young.

"We will be living in Ba Sing Se," Iroh said, his tone placating. "We can't name her after a traditional Fire Nation hero."

"There are so many, many options between 'traditional Fire Nation hero' and 'tea ( ... )


Re: Iroh/Ming, sometimes these surprises happen weirdlet February 7 2010, 04:03:06 UTC
There is much grinning and *awww* ^^


Re: Iroh/Ming, sometimes these surprises happen beckyh2112 February 7 2010, 16:45:33 UTC
*grins* Baby-naming can be fun.


Re: Iroh/Ming, sometimes these surprises happen crystaldrake February 8 2010, 14:50:11 UTC
Awww adorable. I see Ming's frustration with Iroh's tea obsession.


Re: Iroh/Ming, sometimes these surprises happen beckyh2112 February 12 2010, 04:31:46 UTC
Thank you! Ming isn't entirely certain he's not just jerking her chain, but she's not taking a chance on it. ^__^


Aang/Ty Lee, :D beckyh2112 February 10 2010, 04:02:44 UTC
"Come on, Sozin, keep up!" Gyatso called, running along the top of the wrought iron decorative railing. His braid bounces against his back as he ran, a counterpoint to his footsteps and something to center himself on. If he mistepped, he'd fall into the turtleduck pond and soak the fine orange robes his father had coaxed him into for this diplomatic visit to the Fire Nation.

His mother wouldn't care at all, of course, except to be disappointed that he'd mistepped at all. She could practically run over twigs, even in her heavy Kyoshi robes.

He glanced over his shoulder and grinned. "Come on, Sozin ( ... )


Re: Aang/Ty Lee, :D crystaldrake February 10 2010, 17:31:32 UTC
Cute. I love the line about the origin of Sozin temper. :)



Re: Aang/Ty Lee, :D beckyh2112 February 12 2010, 04:32:33 UTC
You're welcome! Zuko and Toph seem like a couple who will have children with nasty tempers. Same with Zuko and Katara. <3


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