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dark_puck January 24 2010, 21:58:16 UTC
Zuko/Teo; puppycrushes and cuddles.

Mai/Zuko/Song; lazy day, lazy breakfast

Zuko/Mai; bathtime shenanigans

Zuko and Iroh; relaxing with tea on a rainy day

Zuko and Ty Lee; friendly snuggles and daydreams


Zuko and Iroh, relaxing with tea on a rainy day beckyh2112 February 28 2010, 03:54:17 UTC
Rain hammered down on the shutters of the apartment. It leaked through a broken slat, and where the right shutter didn't quite go all the way down the length of the window ( ... )


Re: Zuko and Iroh, relaxing with tea on a rainy day dark_puck February 28 2010, 04:42:53 UTC

I very much like this. Zuko's pacing and pausing with the lightning -- he's picking it up, isn't he?

And mmm, nestling on a rainy day for the WIN.


Re: Zuko and Iroh, relaxing with tea on a rainy day beckyh2112 March 1 2010, 23:07:49 UTC
He's picking it up. ^_^ I'm visualizing this piece as being in the same universe as "Spark" from Urzai Week, randomly.

Nestling on a rainy day is the BEST. <3


Ty Lee and Zuko, friendly snuggles and daydreams beckyh2112 March 31 2010, 23:07:24 UTC
It's a cold, rainy day, and Ty Lee has found the warmest place in the entire palace. Mai will probably object, but Mai is currently under thirty blankets and not likely to come out for anything short of Azula. So Ty Lee has Zuko's lap all to herself.

"Warm," she chirps happily, and Zuko just smiles at her in mild bafflement. It's the first smile she's seen from him since they came back, so it fills her chest with a suffuse warmth even better than just his body-heat.

"It's nice," Zuko admits, his hands staying well away from her body.

She sort of wishes he would touch her. She thinks he'd make a nice boyfriend, all soft-voiced and worldly-wise and dangerous. But still a bit of a dork, because he's Zuko.

"What are you going to do when the war's over?" She asks, snuggling closer.

His breath catches. "I- I don't know. It depends how the war ends, doesn't it?"

"If you could do anything, without your father or uncle having any say," she presses, "what would you do ( ... )


Re: Ty Lee and Zuko, friendly snuggles and daydreams beboots April 1 2010, 19:55:25 UTC
Now this was also adorable! You've really cheered me up today with these contributions. :)

I do so love Ty Lee and Zuko interactions, mostly because Ty Lee can help Zuko lighten up a little bit, like here.

I loved how gentlemanly Zuko was, here, and I also love snuggles, so... I approve! :D

I also liked Zuko's daydream. Aww... finding Song. Then Zuko could have a posse of girls that DON'T want to kill him! (most of the time!)


Re: Ty Lee and Zuko, friendly snuggles and daydreams beckyh2112 April 2 2010, 01:56:50 UTC
Zuko needs a posse of girls who don't want to kill him. And to sprawl around him like he is a barbarian warlord. What?

I really like Ty Lee and Zuko interactions, and Ty Lee/Zuko. They're very cute together.


Re: Ty Lee and Zuko, friendly snuggles and daydreams beboots April 2 2010, 15:17:03 UTC
YES to that image of a sprawling harem/posse of girls. <3 Even with the scar, chicks dig him. A lot.

I remember reading a fic a while back in which Fire Lord Zuko needed alliances AND children to continue his (non-evil) line, so he ended up marrying both Mai and Toph (at Mai's suggestion, of all things). I'm so sad that that fic only had two chapters, because it would have been interesting to explore the dynamics of such things, you know?

And I agree - Ty Lee and Zuko are adorable together, platonically or romantically. There are, sadly, very few fics in which they even TALK to each other, you know?


Re: Ty Lee and Zuko, friendly snuggles and daydreams lady_aquill April 26 2010, 13:28:03 UTC
might i enquire as to where i can find this fic you speak of?


Re: Ty Lee and Zuko, friendly snuggles and daydreams beboots April 26 2010, 14:09:07 UTC
Oh, good question... Um...

HAHA! Thank goodness for the Delicious.com tag system! :D



Re: Ty Lee and Zuko, friendly snuggles and daydreams dark_puck April 16 2010, 19:33:43 UTC
Oh, Ty Lee. You are so adorable, and courting stabbies from Mai. Unless of course you want her to join in the Zuko-snuggles. <3 And Ty Lee just assuming Song is a guy, because -- well, what guy would take his girlfriend to meet a girl from another country?


Re: Ty Lee and Zuko, friendly snuggles and daydreams moonys_autumn August 27 2010, 14:54:56 UTC
This fic is adorable. I want to take it out and buy it ice cream. <3


Re: Ty Lee and Zuko, friendly snuggles and daydreams lita_of_jupiter September 17 2010, 21:57:13 UTC
I whish that he had been able to follow this plan.... and form his little harem of very loyal bobyguards/wifes as the firelrd


Mai/Zuko/Song; lazy day, lazy breakfast beckyh2112 April 26 2010, 00:20:20 UTC
The servants bring coffee and beignets covered in powdered sugar. The sugar gets on sheets and sticks to skin.

That's all right, because Zuko's more than happy to lick it off. So is Song, and Mai is happy to hold them close, stroke their hair and bodies. She is happy to kiss Song and taste Zuko and bitter-black coffee. She is happy to kiss Zuko and taste Song and sugared coffee.

The bed will have to be stripped and thoroughly cleaned. Later. Now she, the Firelord, and the Firelord's concubine feed each other pastries and sugar, share coffee and kisses.


Re: Mai/Zuko/Song; lazy day, lazy breakfast dark_puck April 29 2010, 02:45:11 UTC
I need a Mai/Zuko/Song icon, CLEARLY.

Fire Nation and beignets FOREVER, man. God, I am craving one now and I have NEVER HAD ONE. DX

I adore this, though; it's so short and yet it says so much.


Zuko/Mai, bathtime shenanigans beckyh2112 April 26 2010, 02:53:30 UTC
The soldier finds her war-bride in his bath. Household servants pour steaming water over her lovely scarred bride, washing away the spicy lather that covers his body. His long, dark hair drips down his back, and the servants take towels to his body.

She waits until they dry her bride and lead him to a table to be oiled. Then she steps into the light, her armor rustling as she moves. "Leave us."

The servants blink at her, and the soldier's expression hardens.

They flee.

Her bride looks at her, lips parted softly, eyes bright and full of desire. He sprawls out on the wooden bench, fingers combing his hair into artful disarray.

The soldier loves that the bride she stole for herself wants to be beautiful for her.


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