Random Avatar Fragment

Oct 19, 2009 23:12

Modern!AU Hahn and Krisuk! Well, technically Avateers AU, but it's not like that's ever specified. Many thanks to ravynfyre for being my medical consultant on this.


It was summer, and the windows were thrown open to let the breeze in. All that really came in was the streetlight and the buzz of night-time insects. Everything felt sticky and hot, and Hahn thought he would die if he didn't go for a swim.

But he couldn't swim. Not until the surgical incisions finished healing. He couldn't take a bath, either, and he had to tape over his wound with plastic before he took a shower.

Never mind that his dad would kill him for sneaking out of the house, even if it was just to their back yard.

He lay in bed on his back, staring at the ceiling and wishing. Wishing he hadn't got shot, wishing he hadn't needed to pull his gun on the Fire Corps bastard threatening Krisuk, wishing he hadn't wound up with one too many times in jail for the swim team coach to look the other way about. Wishing Yue didn't have her South High boyfriend she thought he didn't know about.

Wishing it didn't hurt to breathe.

He felt a cough scratching in his throat, and he grabbed a pillow to hug to his chest while he hacked. It didn't sound as bad as the one time his older sister caught pneumonia but it hurt-

It stopped after a while, and he felt Krisuk's weight on the edge of the bed.

"Hey," he said.

"Hey," Krisuk replied, reaching out to touch his shoulder.

Hahn took a deep breath in the way the doctors' had taught him to minimize stress on his injuries. Krisuk's hand was hot on his bare skin, almost unpleasantly so. But it was good to have Krisuk there.

His friend crawled into bed with him, sticking one leg under the thin sheet that Hahn hadn't even bothered with. Hahn shifted to be closer to him, hair brushing against Krisuk's bare chest. He listened to the other boy's breathing and the buzz of insects and drifted off.

writing, character: hahn, series: avatar, character: krisuk

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