Chat Excerpt Post

Aug 20, 2009 15:48

[DE]: the cure for people who carelessly wreck things is to make them fix it.. by hand. during their former leisure time.
[Wingus]: Boogly!
[DE]: ..or perhaps their recharge time.
[Dylan]: Aaaah. that Scorponok
[Clam]: I dunno. Lugnut fixing stuff?
[Me]: Hook can supervise.
[Clam]: ok. NOW it's punishment, then.

[Wingus]: Grimlock: "Wheelie no be scared! Ship good, ship strong."
[Wingus]: Grimlock: "And if ship turn on us, me Grimlock beat it up!"

[Scott]: First Aid: Nightbeat, I've got some unusual reports from your diagnostic. Did you know that your optics have been set to black and white?
Nightbeat: Uh-huh.
First Aid: And that the brightness has been turned right down, so that just about everything is black?
Nightbeat: Yeah.
First Aid: ...And that a subroutine has been programmed in to generate grainy imperfections in both your visual and audio input?
Nightbeat: What's your point?
First Aid: ....

[Kep]: Though I think when Wolverine was like "Take a shot at me!", Scott was thinking "CHRISTMAS CAME EARLY!"

[Val]: My dad and I saw Transformers 2 today. It was exactly what we expected.
[Me]: Yeah?
[Val]: It was absolutely awful and we enjoyed it a great deal.
[Val]: Me: "If there were more explosions, we couldn't have seen the characters." Dad: "There were characters?" Me: "Of course. You need characters to cause the explosions."

[Luna]: Man. I do not follow Avatar.
[Me]: Yeah?
[Luna]: But I have a sudden desire to see a master chef Firebender who does a lot of grilling.
[Me]: ... That would be awesome.
[Luna]: Who is going on about the correct way to prepare turtleduck.
[Luna]: From what you say, Firebenders are mostly military or clergy, but hey, militaries need cooks!

[Luna]: Man. Firebender-made lava cake. With real lava.
[Liona]: *hides behind her keyboard*
[Me]: I'm not sure if that's a weapon or a delicious treat, Luna.
[Luna]: It is both.
[Liona]: XD
[Luna]: Never mess with the camp cook in the Fire Nation.
[Liona]: The tasty treat that burns aaaall the way down.

[Flyby]: I mean, yeah, sure, we need some amount of canned foods around in case of an Earthquake. But that doesn't need to be practically our whole diet!
[Liona]: Yeah, that sounds a lot like stubborness. XD;
[Flyby]: ...And earthquake shouldn't have been capitalized. I highly doubt the sports team will be showing up on our doorstep.
[Liona]: XD!
[Xiaron]: you might need that much canned food if they did though.

[Me]: Zuko probably wouldn't recognize Song in Kyoshi gear. He's a bit unobservant.
[Pux]: Only a bit?
[Pux]: *has an amusing mental image of Firelord Zuko being fansmacked by Kyoshi!Song* "YOU STOLE MY OSTRICH HORSE."

[Charles]: "'Why wouldn’t I write speculative fiction? What genre could be better for depicting the ways in which society can change and improve in the future? Or exploring the past through myth and folklore and the epic events of history, reworked into modern entertainment? Speculative fiction has a powerful influence on society. It depicts dreams and nightmares; it has the power to caution and inspire. I can’t think of a more challenging, exciting genre to write,' " - see, that's someone who thinks about stuff
[Me]: Yes.
[Charles]: they've got thoughts and logic. I just think stuff like "DUUUUUDE, wouldn't it be AWESOME if big robots landed in Warsaw!" when I think about writing
[Charles]: PS it would not be for Warsaw

[Me]: *nibbles Liang affectionately* Oh, the look on Zhao's face when Liang said he was a pacifist.
[Pux]: Fortuantely, Zhao will never see Liang when he loses his temper.
[Pux]: Liang refuses to kill, even when he's that angry.
Which is very, very cruel.
[Me]: Zhao: *MY BOY!*
[Pux]: And then he's guilty for days afterward.
[Me]: Zhao: *... okay, we need to work on that part some*

[Val]: *rewatches Avatar* "People don't build traps unless they've got something worth protecting."
[Val]: You know what I'd like to see in a story?
[Val]: The Temple of Too Much Time on Our Hands.

[Scott]: *finally gets around to clicking Becca's picture*
[DE]: It's a caterpillar [Scott]
(the picture)

[Me]: *grinds her teeth* So yeah. I just am really frustrated today.
[Kep]: I understand...but we now live in a world where you can buy stuffed imps from Zero Punctuation!
[Me]: EEEE!
[Kep]: YES!
[Me]: My life is BETTER!
[Kep]: YAY!
[Kep]: And somewhere? A Harlequin author is working on The Gazillionaire Navy Seal Sheikh's Virgin Particle Physicist's Secret Baby!
[Me]: ..... You have no idea the transcendant joy that brings into my heart.

[Charles]: if punk music was THAT evil and dangerous, Azula would be doing it
[Charles]: (which would be cool)
[Me]: It would
[Charles]: "IIIIIII AAAAAAM AN ANAR-CHIST! *sets fire to something*"
[Charles]: "GOD SAVE THE QUEEN - THE ME REGIME! *stage dives*"
[Charles]: and then she, I dunno, goes off with Sokka and does horribleness
[Me]: *giggles* I like this plan.
[Charles]: She needs a groupie
[Charles]: to go with her torn leather and wild hair look
[Me]: Ty Lee, bb
[Charles]: oh yeah, Ty Lee can be as well
[Charles]: Sokka can be the other groupie whether he likes it or not
[Me]: *giggles*
[Charles]: poor man, enslaved to Azula in leather everythings and wild hair and- *disguises self as Sokka*
[Charles]: also, knowing about Azula's "favourite prisoner" and the Azula/Sokka pairing makes me wonder if Suki should be a third party in it
[Charles]: (not wondering that about punk-zula, cos of COURSE Suki would be a groupie. So she could Kyoshi WarROCK!)
[Me]: WHOO!
[Charles]: this is not a sane thing to be wondering, Suki's possibility as a third-party in a Sokka/Azula pairing
[Charles]: either Azula gaining Sokka's participation by promises of Suki, or Azula "turns" her. Or, I dunno, they decide to form the revolutionary Sex Jians band

[Pux]: Hyo: *PUT. THEM. BACK.*
[Me]: Niran: *puts them back. sadly. woefully. you are so cruel, Hyo-sir*
[Pux]: Hyo: *we do not KIDNAP*
[Me]: Niran: *.... Yes, we do. All the time.*
[Pux]: Hyo: *we do not kidnap PERMANENTLY.*

[Pux]: Clearly Katara was stolen away and they found Zuko. Or... something.
[Me]: That might be fun.
[Me]: Ozai: *has a new baby girl!*
Iroh: *... what happened to your son?*
Ozai: *can we focus on the important part here?*

[Luna]: If I followed Avatar (and I don't), I would write crack where Jet and his guerillas run a pizza shop.
[Luna]: I'm just saying.
[Me]: *grins* Why?
[Luna]: Because. I had some of Jet's Pizza, and it was really, really good.

[Pux]: Lucky Migao. To have sane parents, and a sane Khan
[El]: ::nods::
[Pux]: And a Khagan who will basically read this as "Dear Ozai STOP we love you STOP the spirits STOP"

series: x-men, logs, rpg: deadzone, series: avatar, series: transformers

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