Bi-Weekly Update

Aug 23, 2005 14:04

Figured it was about time for some news from my glorious real life.


I moved into my dorm last Thursday. It's a double-wide monk's cell (and I promise this is the last time I'm using that description), but it fulfills my needs. It has air-conditioning, a bed, an Ethernet connection, a desk, and a closet. It also has all of these things for my roommate. It's on the top floor of Miller Hall; said hall is convenient in its location to a gym (with a POOL!), but not-so convenient to the quad. It takes me ten-fifteen minutes to walk to the student union. Fortunately, I can use the exercise. Not so fortunately, it's summer in Louisiana. (I think I heard something about a record heat wave the other day. This does not thrill me.)

Bathrooms are down the hall and perfectly workable. For some reason, I like the community shower stalls better than the setup I have at home. I honestly can't figure out why, though.

My roommate is named Erica. She's quite nice, though we don't really talk much. She has her friends and I have mine. We don't get on each other's nerves so far. I think we'll probably get along all right, even if we never become real friends.

Classes started yesterday, and I just got out of my math class half an hour ago. Everything looks pretty good, though I may have trouble in Spanish and Chemistry. Still, buckling down and studying will probably prevent too many problems.

The only one of my classes which grades on attendance is Spanish. This is good, because there's at least one day of classes that I know I'm going to miss because of Dragon*Con. I'll see what I can do about getting the assignment for that day.

History looks like it's going to be absolutely fascinating - small class, entertaining teacher, and it's one of my favorite subjects. We'll be covering Classical and Medieval Western Civilization.

I'm not sure about Math. Thanks to a brain fart, I got to class half an hour late and the teacher was in the middle of a lecture. After paying attention for fifteen minutes, I realized that I knew all this stuff already and promptly started reading. Now and then I looked up to make sure we were still covering stuff I already knew. We'll see how this goes.

There are way, way too many people here.

Visited the library already. Zwah, but I fell in love. Gloriously fascinating stuff. And books! Books, books, books! Lots of books! Zillions of books! On all sorts of subjects! Yeee!

Tomorrow, I may post some interesting parts from an article in Scientific American that I read while I was there, along with my commentary on why I find this interesting.

Basically, college is looking good. We'll see how it goes, though.

Oh, yes, watched Transformers: The Movie this weekend with my boyfriend. I managed to convince him to sit through it by showing him a few episodes from the series then telling him that pretty much everyone died in the movie.

Anyways, I cannot take the movie seriously. It was the damned perky music. It was too uplifting and fun for the subject matter. (And is it just me or did Wheelie disappear after leading the Autobots to the Quintesson corkscrew ship?)

Also, good going, Unicron! Let Galvatron fire indiscriminitely inside of you! I'm sure that helps matters so much!

lsu, movie: transformers the movie

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