31_days - Transformers

Aug 22, 2005 00:07

Title: Girl Talk
Day/Theme: Aug. 21 'Who would take us to be women?'
Series: G1 Transformers
Character/Pairing: As blatantly obvious as it is, I don't want to come out and say it up here
Rating: PG


She hunched over the bar, nursing her energon sullenly. None of the other 'cons were stupid enough to bother her, especially when she had just thrown Astrotrain through a wall. If she was sore at Astrotrain, experience said, she'd take it out on the rest of the world.

Someone pulled out the stool next to her, and she turned to rip his- no, her arm off.

The other femme growled at her and grabbed the Seeker who was serving as bartender by the wing. "Get me an energon cube."

The yellow flier cringed as her fingers punched through his armor, but didn't complain. He went about his task industriously, providing a bigger energon cube for her than he did for the male patrons. 'Course, he worked this bar a lot, so he knew how to treat a femme right. He'd only gotten his wings ripped off twice before he caught on that they deserved bigger portions of the energon.

Really, with the slag femmes had to put up with, they deserved enough energon to fill the Pit. "Swindle or Onslaught?"

"Swindle. The little slime's always on the lookout for a way to make money." The femme yanked a fuel siphon out of her side and slapped it onto the side of the cube. "Onslaught likes 'im, because he gets us a good deal on munitions. But there ain't nothing else he's useful for."

The purple femme grunted and shrugged her wings. Combaticon internal politics didn't interest her much, but Astrotrain liked the gossip. Besides, pointing out to her drinking buddy that she talked about Swindle more than anyone else would undoubtedly get her slammed facefirst through the bar. Then she'd have to teach the green femme a lesson, and the bar would get wrecked. 'Train would whine if they had to find a new place to drink.

"You listening?" the other femme demanded abrubtly.

She mentally reviewed the monologue. "You're going to pound Swindle into the recharge berth next time you see him."

The mask covering the other femme's mouth prevented her jaw from dropping. However, nothing stopped her fist from smashing into the purple femme's face. "You-! I'll crush you!"

"Yeah?" She jeered. "You think you can take Blitzwing, one-shot?"

Before she really got down to business, she caught sight of the despairing expression on the yellow Seeker's face. It really made a femme feel flattered to know she could cause that.

character: triple-changers, character: female brawl, character: combaticons, writing: 31 days

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