Rise of the Constructicons

May 24, 2008 09:59

The Constructicons are adorable. They're Hack and Slash with some construction worker stereotypes added on.

That said, the Autobots drove me nuts this episode. Every time there's someone brought to life by the Allspark, the Autobots are judgmental pricks. Dinobots? "Onoes! They are dumb and eco-violent! They must be melted down!" Wreck-Gar? "Onoes! He is dumb and silly! He will never be an Autobot!" The Constructis? "Onoes! They are rough around the edges and have never been taught not to steal! They are no good and will never be good!"

Yeah, great going, 'bots.

Whereas the Decepticons will give any of these misfits a chance, and even do things like 'xplain how the world is supposed to be. Gee, no wonder Megatron was winning, you sanctimonious asses!

Then Optimus trying to comfort Bulkhead at the end after the Constructicons got their memories wiped? Please. You smug son of a bitch, if you actually gave a damn, you wouldn't have just told them to go away when they were drunk. Excuse me if I think those two are better off with the Decepticons.

So far, the Autobot with the best history of "not being a judgmental prick" is Bulkhead. And he gets paranoid over people getting between him and his existing friends (hiiii, Soundwave!). Optimus, Bumblebee, and Ratchet have the biggest history of being judgmental pricks.

And apparently Prowl only likes kids when they like nature. Salute, Prowl.

You know, one of the problems I had with reading Frankenstein was when the good doctor flipped his shit over having actually created life, abandoned his creation, then being so haunted and remorseful when it followed him back to his hometown and started killing people. Dude. You made it, you should take care of it, you ass! Or get someone else to take care of it, don't just abandon it to fend for itself.

*coughs* Moving on...

The Constructicons are big robots. They're at least as big as Bulkhead. Don't have size-comparisions on hand, but does this put them in the range of the Dinobots or bigger than them?

I thought it was cute the way they basically built a nice little tower over Bulkhead from the falling I-beams. Constructicons building things is always cute. Also, loved Mix just glancing at the space-bridge plans and going "we don't have enough stuff to build this".

Megatron will be so upset his Constructicons have gone amnesiac.

Speaking of that, why was that the chosen ending? It's just so bizarre and odd. Surely, there was a better way of doing things, especially since the writers then handed Bulkhead the Irrational Jerk Ball and gave us massive foreshadowings that the Constructicons are Decepticons to stay. Couldn't that have been done without the amnesia?

That being said, I'd totally go for something where Bulkhead got brainwashed by the Decepticons and renamed Bonecrusher. >_>

I totally need Constructicon icons of both G1 and Ani.

series: transformers animated

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