Revenge of "Wing Shift"

May 19, 2008 00:52

You know, the constant bashing of Megatron is getting kind of annoying. Ohnoes, everyone thinks he's a horrible leader who has lost sight of the Decepticon cause. Ohnoes, he's so terribly incompetent and possibly insane. Ohnoes, he has a small dick ( Read more... )

character: megatron, series: transformers

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dragoness_e May 20 2008, 02:29:24 UTC
If you ever want a realistic strategist/tactician, read Caesar's Gallic Wars. Real-life is about as realistic as it gets, and Gaius Julius Caesar is one of the best that ever was.

However, be prepared for the exceedingly dull parts if you're not into logistics and politics. (Admittedly, ancient Gaul's politics were entertaining and bloody.) The key things to pay attention to are how Caesar used politics strategically, dividing the Gauls against each other, and set up his logistics in advance so that no matter which bunch of Gauls decided to rebel next campaigning season, he and his legions would have the supplies in place to support their campaigns against them.

His tactics are also fascinating: Caesar always tried to arrange battles such that the enemy was decisively defeated with minimal loss to his own forces. His troops were not expendable (he ripped one of his officers a new one for making a flashy attack through a wall breach that risked too many troops unnecessarily), and they knew it. As a result, they were incredibly loyal and had high morale.

There are insights in "Gallic Wars" into how Caesar thought tactically: he thought constantly. He was always considering what he would do if something happened right now, if the enemy did something unexpected over there, ambushed his troops here, etc, etc, etc. Constantly considering possibilities and making contingency plans. He didn't assume the enemy would cooperate with his plans. Instead, he constantly, instantly adapted his plans to what the enemy actually went and did.

Sorry about the ramble, but "Gallic Wars" has always fascinated me for the personal look into the mind of a real, historical military genius.


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