Revenge of "Wing Shift"

May 19, 2008 00:52

You know, the constant bashing of Megatron is getting kind of annoying. Ohnoes, everyone thinks he's a horrible leader who has lost sight of the Decepticon cause. Ohnoes, he's so terribly incompetent and possibly insane. Ohnoes, he has a small dick ( Read more... )

character: megatron, series: transformers

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childofatlantis May 19 2008, 18:12:08 UTC
'ware teal deer! You made me stop and think about why I like Starscream and now I am GOING TO TELL YOU ALL ABOUT IT.

I can't speak for others, obviously, but for me (on the 'serious' front, rather than the Screamer-you-IDIOT-now-I-cannot-stop-laughing side of things) it's that he has the potential to hit several character concepts I adore - trickster, traitor, dancer, mind like lightning. I tend to visualise personalities as natural forces/elements, and he's my favourite of them all - wildfire. He's pure chaos embodied, not even consistent to his own aims - he's clever and quick but lacks the balance, the self-control to make full use of either trait - but he's oh-so-beautiful as he rushes to destruction. His ideal environment is fighting for his life against an opponent who's just too slow, too stupid, to keep up with him.

He's brilliant and bright and like a knife flashing in the sun - he can't help but blaze his emotions and desires across the skies. Obviously, a lot of this is me reading in, especially with the cartoon (though I'm seeing it more in the comics), but as it's one of my utterly favourite archetypes, he got me straight away.

I also find the Seeker body shape aesthetically pleasing, have a major thing for winged characters, and another for the "rebellious second in command" archetype. But mostly it's that image - wildfire - burning, blazing, brilliant. Always fire, for me. :) And chaos - I am always secretly in support of those who tear down Order and laugh while they do so.


beckyh2112 May 19 2008, 18:26:55 UTC
I've actually seen the trickster-archetype brought up explicitly in relation to Starscream by a writer I deeply respect. I can see where you're coming from, and the imagery you use to describe him just makes me want to fall in love with the silly bastard.

I'm not sure if I can put my finger on what it is that draws me to Megatron. He is the warrior, the conqueror, the warlord of a thousand thrones. He does not shrink from battle; he leads his men into it.

He is ruthless, he is clever and tricksome to his enemies, he is merciful to his followers (Starscream, especially).

He inspires. The Decepticon cause is his cause because he created it, because he gathered people together and gave them something to believe in, a reason to follow him.

But even having said all of that, I still feel as if something stands just beyond my grasp regarding him.


childofatlantis May 19 2008, 18:37:10 UTC
Yes, that sounds right for Megatron. The image for him is a thunderstorm - all that power, rolling in, massive and unstoppable and filling the sky - black as pitch, but with lightning crackling between the layers.

As I said, I love Megatron almost as much as Starscream. The only thing I would say that makes them less than equal in my affections is that Megatron is less flexible than Starscream. I can quite happily read "good" Starscream or AU Starscream or repentant Starscream so long as he keeps his fire - but it's much harder to situate Megatron outside of his usual environment and keep the rolling thunder aspect.

I think I've seen that same fic, actually - is it the author who has done various post-season-3 Skyfire/Starscream fics, and a bunch of stuff about Dead End? *can't recall her name* She's one of the people who does not-quite-evil-Starscream well.


beckyh2112 May 19 2008, 18:44:11 UTC
Dragoness Eclectic. ^_^ She is luvverly.

And yes, the rolling thunderstorm imagery fits Megatron quite well.

I don't think one can ever take Megatron out of battle and keep him quite the same. He is not suited for peace, and I suspect that even if he was involved in something like policing or gladiating, he would still be rather unhappy.

I think it would be difficult to turn Megatron into a force for good, but not impossible. He and Optimus Prime do have a canonical history of teaming up when there's a threat bigger than both of them out there.

The problem is, I suspect, keeping a steady stream of 'big nasty threats to Cybertron' coming long enough for both them and their followers to adjust to a different way of doing things.


childofatlantis May 19 2008, 22:51:35 UTC
Funnily enough I've just been pondering a plot to try and turn Megatron into a force for good without losing what makes him interesting, though it's movieverse. Would be interested to know what you thought of it.


childofatlantis May 20 2008, 16:44:52 UTC
Okay, so, I've just thought of something, because I spotted that you've done Sailor Moon fic... were/are you, by any chance, one of the people who couldn't for the life of them understand what all the Dark Kingdom fangirls saw in Zoisite?

Because I was one of the Zoisite fangirls, and I've already established an awful lot of parallels between him and Starscream in my mind. :)


beckyh2112 May 20 2008, 21:46:10 UTC
... I do not remember. I was never much involved in the Sailor Moon fandom as such - I lurked a lot over there.

I do remember that I liked Jadeite and Nephrite more than Zoisite, though. >_>


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