TF OC Database

Feb 10, 2008 19:13

This is Heather's fault.

Who appears in what, any art they may have, and any other notes I feel like sharing. I'm probably going to be skimpy on the notes, though, as I exist under the belief that if it's not in a published work, I shouldn't expect my readers to know it. Besides, it feels a bit lazy to tell you here what someone looks like/transforms into and then never describe that in fics.

I'll only be listing fics where the characters actually appeared 'on stage', rather than getting mentioned by other characters.


Working down from the top of my original character bios file.

Fanfiction.Net links will be to more polished fics than the ones on Livejournal. Generally speaking, if I have a fic on Livejournal rather than FF.Net, it's either unpolished or smutty. And I don't think any of my OCs have showed up in my smut yet.

Base 2142 (Subtower 'Thunderstruck')

Not that the name of the base or even that they're all attached to the same base has yet to come up in any of their fics.


A female Decepticon who used to be a female Autobot. In a happy relationship with a female Seeker, Caryatid. A talented medical engineer who has done training as a surgical engineer.

Appeared In: - Vigil: My very first ever entry for 31_days, back in '05. Heretic renounces the last chance of her ever returning to the Autobots.
- Great Teacher Hook: Heretic does her residency under Hook. Poor Heretic.


Female Seeker. Chief engineer of the base she's stationed at.

Appeared In: - Vigil: My very first ever entry for 31_days, back in '05. Caryatid stays up with Heretic while the other female wrestles with her demons.


Male helicopter Decepticon. Supply sergeant at his base, and the third in the Heretic/Caryatid trine. He's bought pieces from Alkali and commissioned her before, despite being generally uninterested in art. His local Sector Governor is very interested in him, and makes Effervescence nervous.

Appeared In: - Fuelhead Blues: Effervescence purchases some of his base's soldiers back from Alkali before the process of being a chemical emotive sculpture kills them. Also, this was back when I was writing Sector Monitors rather than Sector Governors.


Seeker trine, all males. Slingblight is a fuelhead - local equivalent of an alcoholic. An alcoholic chemical warfare specialist, so he mixes up his own (mostly poisonous) drinks.

Appeared In: - Fuelhead Blues: They get to be chemical emotive sculptures.
- Edge of the Century: Technically, all nine of the Seekers from this base that I pay attention to get on-screen roles in this. Slingblight just actually gets a speaking role. A speaking role in which he weirds Skywarp out.


Male tanks. Panzer has a vertical mouth like a gug.

Appeared In: - A Killing Dance: They get to watch Flexagon kill one of their buddies.


Male tank. Deceased.

Appeared In: - A Killing Dance: Someone had to be the idiot who went and got himself killed. This would be an Ankh-Morpork suicide.



The Sector Governor for the Tantun region, which includes the Sonic Canyons. When I need to randomly station people somewhere on Cybertron that isn't Polyhex, Kaon, or Perihex, they usually wind up in the Tantun region.

Male large plane. Actually looks like a rather big conehead, 'xcept his cone is stylized rather like Dekko's. Because it looks cool.

Appeared In: - Fuelhead Blues: He has reasons for treating Effervescence the way he does. Reasons Heavenmonger's second-in-command is just not gonna like.

Dame Rumour

A big pink jet'former female. She's also a madame in Kaon and runs one of the highly upscale brothels in the city. She has a soft spot for severely damaged people who come her way. Protective of her employees, though, and not abusive. Quite happily fleeces her customers.

She's also an old friend of Kup's.

Her alt-mode is a Quiet SuperSonic Transport.

Appeared In: - Damaged Goods: Dame Rumour rather prudently avoids completely repairing Starscream.
- Well-Earned Reward: After Unicron and the liberation of Cybertron, Dame Rumour pays a visit to an old friend to show her appreciation for what he's done.

Bedroom Appeared In: - Madame's Boudoir: More of a scene-setting than a fic. Still, I enjoyed writing it.

Art - Dame Rumour: Ravyn commissioned Heatherbeast for me. So pretty!

Storm Bull

Dame Rumour's male bodyguard.

Appeared In: - Damaged Goods: He reminds Dame Rumour not to keep Starscream as one of her lost ones. He also is generally a menacing part of the background.


A male tow-truck. The in-house medic for Dame Rumour's brothel.

Appeared In: - Damaged Goods: He patches up a severely damaged Starscream.


A blue, male needlejet neutral in Kaon. Runs a boat and works as a tour guide. Claims he used to be a Decepticon. Pushy and not afraid to speak his mind. This may get him shot someday.

Appeared In: Fabled Kaon: He picks up Breakdown as a passenger and shares a lot of information about Kaon as I write it.


A neutral male confectionary chemist. He has a shop in Polyhex where he sells expensive candies. Has a stone gear over one of his optics and seems interested in Earth culture.

Appeared In: - Trader's Luck: He buys Buffy DVDs from Swindle.
His Shop Appears In: - Choclatl: His shop is full of delicious candy for Transformers.


Employees of Esoterica's. Tau is unusually pretty for his type. Seti is an peach, Autobot-styled female with a grilled face-mask.

Tau Appeared In: - Trader's Luck: Serving drinks.
Seti Appeared In: - Choclatl: Manning the register and being helpful.


A bath-worker at a Decepticon public bath. Male, neutral but peace-bonded to the bath-house to avoid getting abused.

Appeared In: - Caring Breakdown: Sienna assists customers and lets me ramble on more about the Cybertronian culture I'm slowly building up from assorted ideas.


I have free-floating permission from Wayward to write Dreadmoon in stories with Morninglord. So he appears in half of the Morninglord ficlets I've written.

Morninglord posseses knowledge People Were Not Meant to Know. In Call of Cthulhu terms, he's at SAN 0. He's also learned quite a lot of magic over the eons he's been out alone in space by himself.

One of Skyfire's buildkin, though he's modified himself over the years to such an extent that he's very far from a repaint of Skyfire. Also did the galactic exploration thing that Skyfire and Starscream did; he just never came home after losing his partner.

Appeared In: - Planetfall: I lied. He comes back to Cybertron after being picked up by a Decepticon long-range patrol shortly after Earth Contact. He does not fit in well.
- Devil is a Loser: Dreadmoon and Morninglord play a game of ma'hil. This is totally what Shockwave does to people he wants safe and out-of-the-way.
- The Witching Time of Night: Morninglord casts some protections over himself to keep the Things out there from finding him.
- Restless: Dreadmoon in Monitor-commune apparently distresses Morninglord.

Butterfly Effect

A male F-35/space-shuttle triple-changer Decepticon. Eschews the tyranny of feet. Goes out to sports bars. Has yet to appear in any of my fics, but I have art of him anyway.

Art - Butterfly Effect and Iniquity: Wayward commission wherein I forced her to design some triple-changers for me.


A female purple and silver Lamborghini/Su-27 Flanker triple-changer Decepticon. Eschews the tyranny of feet. Goes to sports bars. May yet appear in a fic someday.

Art: - Butterfly Effect and Iniquity: Wayward commission wherein I forced her to design some triple-changers for me.


A male triple-changer Decepticon. Someday, I may reveal what his other modes are. And what he does besides 'be younger than Blitzwing'.

Appeared In: - Book-Reading Blitzwing: Snapflux is bored. Blitzwing educates him on why he doesn't have to be.


Oikodomopolis started life as a roleplay character. As that game has ended, she's been dusted off and revamped for my fic-universe. (Though, if I were making her now, I'd give her a different name.)

Originally created by the Constructicons as a test-bed for experimenting on the Devastator mind, she's gone off and done a whole heck of a lot since then. This is just as well, because the fact that she turned out female after being a synthesis of the Constructicons' minds boggled them.

She really likes big trucks.

Green and purple in her basic paints, though she changes them as needed. She transforms into a city-block that includes a corner fuel-station. There's a whole heck of a lot of mass-shifting involved to get her down to as tall as Motormaster in robot-mode.

Appeared In: - A Matter of Opinion: The Constructicons comment on their newest creation. Way early attempt at writing the Constructicons.
- Comment Spam to Shiri: Oikodomopolis hunts Autobots like a pitcher plant hunts insects.
- Asking for Directions: The first time she meets the Stunticons, she's out hunting Autobots to kill.
- Keep on Dancing: Back in Polyhex, Oikodomopolis gets a little annoyed with the standard dancehall music.
- Love Taps: My first Motormaster/Oikodomopolis piece. Not currently 'canonical' for my fic-universe, as it takes place on Earth, and 'Polis never goes to Earth in my current timeline. Still, it sets the general tone of their relationship.
- Treat Me Right: More Motormaster/Oikodomopolis. Their relationship has issues.

Art: - Oikodomopolis: Gift art from Shiri.
- Various Transformer doodles: Ragedaisy doodles. They make me smile. ^__^


A holy warrior of Primus. Hunts Unicron cultists and demons. Used to be a Decepticon.

Male, white and maroon artillery piece. Uses a two-handed spiked mace in melee combat. Keeps a kill-count on his barrel.

Art: - Claviger vs. Himself: Commission by Wayward.


Himself is a male shell-former schooner. Bronzes and greens with black sails. His sails have gotten rather tattered over the years.

In the "present" of my fic-universe, he's a priest of Unicron. I'm working on an origin fic for him, but it is long and getting longer.

Art: - Claviger vs. Himself: Commission by Wayward.


A haze-grey male Seeker with a taste for sword-play. I actually plan to do a detailed origin fic for him someday entitled "Ace of Swords". But not until I get done with Himself's origin story. So.

Was obnoxious when he was younger. Most people are. It took him longer to get over it than most.

Appeared In: - Kick Ass Blitzwing: Saberstorm is obnoxious but good with a sword. Blitzwing, however, is the guy getting the fic written about him.


A trio of U2 spy-plane Decepticons . In their one fic appearance, they're Reflector's kids. In a more sane universe, they're a trine he trained.

Appeared In: - Playing With Kids Reflector: The trio show off the birthday gifts they've received. Reflector tolerates it.


A silver-grey female Autobot. Served under Elita One during the Great War. Deceased.

Appeared In: - Rainbow in the Dark: She died unpleasantly.


Technically, canonical. The purple-and-orange Autobot female that appears in "The Search for Alpha Trion" but never gets a name.

Appeared In: - Rainbow in the Dark: She did not die unpleasantly. It came rather close for her, though.


A male rifle. A dangerous neutral mech with no interest in being an Autobot.

Appeared In: - Ever Been Kyssed?: Wherein I get to share another bit of culture and world-building. Tesseract orders a drink before settling in to some deal-making with Kup.


A wingless, ex-Decepticon male Seeker. Feels he owes Tesseract quite a lot.

Appeared In: - Ever Been Kyssed?: Makes sure nobody tries to kill Tesseract.



Small male motorcycle with distinctly odd feet. Brown with darker brown in swirls all over him, yellow optics. A bauble-maker during the Golden Age, and a sculptor later on in his life. Neutral.

He built Flexagon, Etude, and Soundwave, among other people.

Appeared In: - Decadence: Golden Age Arbiter works on a bauble and entertains a friend. Explains the concept of baubles rather well, in my opinion.
- Touch-Ups: Shortly after the Golden Age ended. Various upheavals in Arbiter's life have left him as a sculptor and living with a hotshot younger engineer named Wrench. He still has Lacquer do his paint-work, though. (Wrench does not belong to me, technically-speaking. I just borrowed him. This is also probably not canon for the creator's version of the character.)
- Pictures at the Exhibition: Lacquer takes Arbiter out to visit an exhibition at the Shadowlight gallery in the early 2000s. Arbiter goes off on an art-rant about modern art.

Art: - Arbiter: Commission by Wayward.


A male bauble of Arbiter's. Originally made as a dancer. After he completed his contract with his commisioner, he left for elsewhere. He joined the Decepticons in the late Golden Age. Tempermental, but his anger is cold. He enjoys killing.

He has no visible transformation kibble in robot-mode and hardly anyone ever sees him transform. Green optics, and he can cover them with lids if he so chooses.

Appeared In: - Bartending In the Dark: Some point prior to joining the Decepticons, Flexagon works as a dancer at Ampersand, a club on the bad side of Perihex. This is unhealthy for people who do not know when to back off.
- A Killing Dance: Flexagon is a dancer as well as a sniper. A dumb tank irritates him into pulling out his fans and performing.


A male needlejet painter who went Decepticon towards the end of the Golden Age. He's still alive as of the early 2000s. Has a bit of a crush on Arbiter.

After joining the Decepticons, he largely eschewed more traditional pigments to work in a tempera where the central ingredient are a mech's vital fluids. Yeah, crazy jet.

Appeared In: - Touch-Ups: Lacquer does not understand what Arbiter sees in Wrench at all.
- Pictures at the Exhibition: Lacquer takes Arbiter out to visit an exhibition at the Shadowlight gallery in the early 2000s. Arbiter goes off on an art-rant about modern art.


A male jeweler who specializes in working glass. Male driller. He has a special ability that gives him telekinetic control over glass.

Appeared In: The Highest Profit: Alongside Captain Sassanid, who is an awesome giant insect that I must use more often in science-fiction pieces. Here, Gyalus barters for alien glasses.

Golden Age


A male four-armed servant of Arbiter's. Is actually still alive during the War, I just haven't written any of those stories yet.

Appeared In: - Decadence: Brings drinks. Is generally a distraction to keep Rubeus from thinking things through.


Male red hovercar, and a noble of Atalantix. Communicates very precisely in gestures as an addition to his speech. A friend of Arbiter's.

Appeared In: - Decadence: He inquires as to how Arbiter makes such skillful baubles. The answer disturbs him a bit. Fortunately, he's interrupted before he can think too hard about it.

The Eumenides

Can you tell that I'd just finished the Orestea when I invented these guys?

Possess robot-mode flight and shoulder cannons. They also have spikes in their heels heavy enough and long enough to skewer people with. Curved laser-scalpel claws that project from their knuckles. Primus only knows if they do this gender thing.

Appeared In: - Wild Justice: Very early in the Golden Age, the Eumenides bring another wrong-doer to justice.


A male bronze tank. Dockworker in Perihex. Deceased.

Appeared In: - Bartending In the Dark: Treadset does not know when to back off.


A male forklift. The foremech of the crew Hook was with when he met Scrapper and Mixmaster. Clampdown smokes the local cigar-equivalent. Rough, but good at what he does.

Appeared In: - Better to Light a Candle: Mixmaster drove him up the wall. Not literally, fortunately.



Sideways is not Armada Sideways. I'm pretty definitely sure of this by now. Silver Delorean.

He mostly appears in roleplays - keep an eye on the cideways or blackwingdove journals for him doing bad juju to people. However, I did write one fic with him, based on the first roleplaying game he actually appeared in.

Chaos cultist, currently a servitor of Unicron. Capable of walking between universes. His symbols can change and emote. He's a very skilled liar and actor. Skillful shaman. Generally an asshole when people know what he is and he doesn't have to hide behind being a good mech.

Appeared In: - Bad Moon on the Rise: Sideways behaves creepily towards Fahrenheight during the Apocalypse.
- Square Root of Negative One: Sideways plants a few of the seeds that come to flower in Jetstorm. Oh, and he tortures Perceptor.
- And In the Darkness Bind Them: Sideways is an asshole.

Art: - Sideways: Commission by Grungewerx.


Unicron-reformatted Silverbolt. Dark purple and grey spacejet. Primarily a roleplay character. He's really fricking powerful when he's got Unicron's energy flowing through him. As in, he's been known to crack planets like that.

Appeared In: - Square Root of Negative One: Jetstorm listens to Sideways and watches the Delorean torture Perceptor.
- And In the Darkness Bind Them: A lot of my Jetstorm fics involve him returning to his service to Unicron. Angstily. And violently.
- Spade: Motormaster + sword + Jetstorm = skewered.

Art: - Jetstorm: Commission by Heatherbeast. Heatherbeast is made of awesome.

Jason Norrington

Human astronaut/scientist stationed at Mir.

Appeared In: - Naughty Blitzwing: Wherein there are Decepticons doing things they shouldn't at Mir, and Jason comments.

Azure's Idolators

A mercenary troop that Blitzwing hooks up with after his exile in Season Three. Includes, but is not limited to: Azure (the captain), the Travalian, Yrpaxi (armory sergeant), and Seriso.

Appeared In: - Daring Blitzwing: Blitzwing's attempt to go out in a blaze of glory gets thwarted.
- Angsty Blitzwing: Yrpaxi thinks Blitzwing is angsting over weird things.
- Exploring Blitzwing: Yrpaxi takes Blitzwing on some shore-leave and inflicts the local fortune-teller on him.

series: transformers, original character list

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