31_days - TF - Girl!Brawl

Oct 05, 2005 00:15

Title: Trader's Luck
Date/Theme: Oct. 4 'Why do you sleep with girls?'
Series: G1 Transformers
Characters/Pairings: Swindle/Brawl, Esoterica
AU: Girl!Brawl
Rating: PG-13

Author's Notes: I have no idea how ooc my Combaticons are. Tips would be appreciated.

Girl!Brawl is one of my pet dementias.


Swindle grinned briefly at the attendant as the pretty thing refilled their energon cubes, then turned his attention back to the potential buyer for some human goodies he'd brought back. "Look, there's a couple of other mechs interested in these human artisan goods. You're going to have to sweeten the deal if you want to get these disks."

Esoterica's optics brightened slightly. "'Sweeten the deal'?"

Slag, he'd slipped up with the Earth slang again. At least this mech actually liked the planet. "Make it better. It's an Earth idiom, very handy in my line of work."

"Interesting." Esoterica fingered the sample disk speculatively. "Well, if you want something to... 'sweeten the deal', you have been watching Tau all night. He's available if it'll seal the deal."

"He'd get torn up on the frontlines. No deal."

"Keep him for yourself. There's no reason to make him available to everyone in your barracks."

"I'm not interested in hommes."

"No loss then." Esoterica tapped a finger against his right optic. "I've acquired a few... weapons you might find interesting."

"Unless they're high-end particle-accelerators, probably not."

"One of them transforms."

"I'm all ears." Swindle leaned forward slightly, projecting an emanation of piqued interest. Of course, just because his aura gave off an emotion didn't mean he actually felt that way. Few mechs realized that you could control your emanations without having an iron-fisted control of your emotions, and he was happy to keep it that way.

Esoterica tilted his head slightly, the gear-symbol surrounding his left optic seeming almost to spin.

"... Earth idiom. I'm listening."


Swindle left the Ilidium Q-36 Explosive Space Modulator in the control room with a transformer-sized sticky note attached explaining what it was and why Vortex shouldn't push any of the buttons. Everything else could be put in his quarters until tomorrow. Technically, he didn't really need to recharge - a good shot of energon in the morning would provide the same effect - but he liked the chance to unwind it offered him.

Unfortunately, his recharge berth already had an occupant. Brawl crouched on it, cleaning one of her guns. "Nice digs."

"You didn't break anything, did you?" The jeep peered about the room; everything seemed to be intact. Maybe she'd hid whatever she'd broken. No, wait, this was Brawl, not himself.

"I didn't break anything."

See? He set the crate of weapons down in one corner and nervously began to unpack them. This was Brawl... Who hadn't broken any of his items. Who was waiting up for him. Who seemed only moderately angry, which put her in a good mood all things considered.

Oh, slag.

"Well, glad as I am to see you - I've got a couple new weapons for you to try out - I really need to-" Swindle winced as the more powerful tank wrenched him away from his goods and spun him to face her. "Recharge..."

"We ain't interlinked in weeks, Swindle. Forming Bruticus just isn't the same thing." Brawl pulled him close, hands squeezing hard enough to make Swindle's damage-control system warn of the iminent possibility of bent armor.

"Look, I'd love to, really, but I kind of need that energy for the mission tomorrow. I'm running on fumes as it is, maybe we could do this tomorrow, okay?" If he talked fast enough and provided a good enough sounding reason, maybe Brawl would leave. This trick didn't work half as well on his fellow Combaticons as it did on his trading partners, but it was all he had right now. Shooting Brawl was just an infinitely bad idea.

"No mission tomorrow."

"... There's no mission tomorrow? Why not? We don't have unlimited supplies of energon."

"You ain't been the only one out trading." Brawl seemed like she should be grinning. "Onslaught acquired a whole cache of really pure energon. So, we got the time and fuel to really enjoy ourselves."

He was doomed.

character: female brawl, character: combaticons, writing: 31 days

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