RPG Bests

Dec 15, 2006 20:54

Personal roleplaying bests that I remember off the top of my head. Inspired by this post by cadhla.

Best Use of a Low-Level Spell

Duo, my Lathandar cleric, cast Heat Metal on a man in platemail who was trying to kill her group-mates. Thanks to how long it takes a person to get out of full plate and him not noticing the spell until it was too late, he cooked in his own armor.

I thought it was great. (DnD tabletop)

Best Unlikely Romance

Maliar Helesigil'Rann, called Morerea, is an Unseelie elven enchantress that's specifically of the Siabra Court. She's racist, power-hungry, kept slaves, and screwed people over semi-regularly. She was also the leader of the diplomatic delegation to the Seelie Court in Tir na nOg and fairly immersed in the local politics.

Derceto was an elderly firbolg bard, who knew all of this and was also part of the local politics. One night, he got to talking with her during one of her depressive fits after the guy who previously led the delegation died. He got her out of that depression. The two of them kept talking as they fell in love.

It wasn't a slow falling in love, either. Very fast, very deep, very passionate. (Dark Age of Camelot)

Best Really Ugly Armor

I have a paladin named Ookami. He wears full plate armor. He enamels it in very, very bright and clashing colors.

He's going to get a steed soon, and he's thinking of getting a rainbow unicorn. (DAoC)

Longest-Running Screwup of a Relationship

Mithiar Helesigil'Rann is Maliar's little brother. He likes to kill people. He's also completely out of his mind, so that he doesn't really see anything wrong with killing people. He giggles a lot.

He "fell in love" with Cirig, a firbolg warden. Cirig was okay with Mithiar's first advances, since he wasn't too clear on what the elf was trying to accomplish. He then made the mistake of mentioning that he had a wife he loved.

Mithiar killed his wife. Strangled her and cut her head off to prevent her from being resurrected. Cirig, naturally enough, found out, and has been trying to kill Mithiar ever since. He hasn't been succeeding for years and years. (DAoC)

Best Creepy Semi-Dream Sequence

Sideways is a Thrall of Unicron, and thus wants to bring about the destruction of the universe. Most of the time, he pretends to be a very nice guy. Fahrenheight is a paladin of Primus. He's rather stern and bordering on the edge of being a zealot. They get along smashingly, and Sideways is trying to corrupt Fahrenheight.

As part of a plotline, Fahrenheight and Sideways ended up in their own little sub-pocket of Dreamtime. At first it was just watching Primus and Unicron fight it out in the God-time, but then Sideways got scared and pulled Fahrenheight into a different scenario.

Said scenario led to Fahrenheight finding out what Sideways was, almost snapping from the strain of everything, and then leaving Sideways's corpse on the floor of a desecrated temple.

Fahrenheight didn't remember any of this when he woke up. (TFBlogs)

Best Stretching-The-Heroes-Thin Fight

Megatron took the Constructicons' newest creation, Oikodomopolis, out to see what she could do. They attacked Las Vegas for energy.

Shockwave and a fair number of Decepticons went to raid a Buffy convention so Shockwave could meet Alyson Hannigan. (It was a very weird game.)

The Stunticons and the Insecticons attacked the Texas oil-fields.

When it was discovered how these three attacks were stretching the Autobots, the Constructicons and some of the cassetticons went and attacked the Ark.

It was bodaciously fun. (TFBlogs)

Best Stumbling-Towards-Redemption Character

Jetstorm was the Air Marshall of Unicron. He slaughtered worlds at the behest of Rodimus Void, decapitated his brothers and bound their still-living heads to his wings, and killed his beloved with his bare hands.

Thanks to a interuniversal glitch, the Void, Jetstorm, and their forces got stuck in a reality where things went a little different from their own. Void tried to play like this was still his world, and the local Galvatron didn't like that very much. Specially not when Rodimus Void gave the local Cyclonus to Jetstorm to torture.

Jetstorm's off the deep end, since he was reformatted from rather noble Autobot. Ever since killing his beloved, he'd been mentally off-kilter, and the local Cyclonus managed to talk him into even further mentally off-kilter. So when the big fight came down to it, Jetstorm was captured rather than killed. (The other guys were allowed to return to their own reality, except for the Void. The Void was an asshole.)

Jetstorm was catatonic until a priestess of Primus started working on him. Now he's functional and stable, but he isn't sane. Now he's trying to find a balance between who he is and who he was.

And he's still got to do something about his brothers' living heads attached to his wings. (Nexus)

Best "... The Game Mechanics are Whack, Yo" Moment

In a fight for the Military Operations commander position among the Decepticons, Catechism tried to kick Blitzwing. Catechism was in robot-mode, Blitzwing was in tank-mode. Blitzwing wasn't moving to get out of her way.

Catechism missed. (TF2K5)

Best Out of Endo Moment

In the same fight above, Catechism was pretty heavily damaged while Blitzwing was only moderately damaged. Blitzwing still lost. 'Cause Blitzwing wasn't watching his energon levels and ran out of energy to make attacks with.

That was the second time I lost a good fight because of not watching my endo. Remembered to do that from then on. ^_~ (TF2K5)

Best Underdog Fight

Fulcrum is Decepticon jet designed for combat. Among his other awesome weapons, he has a hammer and a sickle. (He turns into a MiG-29, too.)

Reflector is a tri-partite camera spy. He doesn't have awesome melee weapons, and while there are three of him in robot-mode, the game mechanics do not support all three of him attacking as seperate entities. I only get one attack roll per turn.

In the Galactic Olympics, the two of them were doing a melee-only fight for the Light weight category. It was generally agreed by everyone that Fulcrum would win, but the combat poses are often fun.

Through an incredible string of misses on Fulcrum's part, and hits on Reflector's, Reflector won. (TF2K5)

Best In-Game Christmas Party Moment Ever

Blaze is a fire-ant anthro who believes that Shepherd, the Arch-Agent, is her queen. Agent Smith is the eighth iteration of the Matrix's prime agent. The Matrix is more or less at peace with a fairly big alliance of powers.

Someone convinced Blaze to be Santa's Elf Who Denies Naughty Programs Access to the Eggnog at the party. This vastly amused Shepherd when he found out, so he helpfully informed her of what programs were 'naughty' and 'nice'. The Merovingian couldn't get eggnog to save his life.

Neo asked Smith to get him some eggnog. Smith growled but went anyway. Shepherd informed Blaze that Smith was naughty.

The ensuing few lines of dialogue made Neo come tearing across the room, only to find that he didn't actually need to prevent Smith from killing Blaze. (Matrix: Degrees of Seperation)

Best Unlikely Hook-Up Ever

Agent Jean2 is a very scary Exiled Agent. He likes to seduce women, slowly cut them off from their family and friends, and then torture them and kill them. Under the new regime, he's generally had to stop that, but he still likes trying.

Amethyst is a young woman who grew up on the streets with a gang. She likes fluffy animals, and one of her protectors is an Exiled Agent with a nice streak, Agent Anderson.

Anderson hates Jean2 for what Jean2 was trying to do with Jean. He really hates Jean2 for courting and eventually marrying Amethyst, but so far, Jean2 hasn't actually done anything wrong.

General player consensus is that it's going to be scary when Amethyst dies of old age. (Degrees of Seperation)

Best Twin-Set Ever

Agents are sentient programs. The good ones that reliably work can be duplicated. Thus, for a while, there was a 'Jean' series of Communications Agents. Several of them got Exiled.

Two of those survived to game-time: Jean and Jean2. Jean2 is as above, while Jean cross-dresses and can generally pass for female. Jean disturbs and angers Smith.

Wow, I can babble for ages.

rpg: tfblogs, rpg: tf2k5, au: sideshot, character: sideways, rpg: degsep, mmo: dark age of camelot

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