Advent #11: Flying Monkey

Dec 11, 2006 21:38

Title: Flying Monkey
Fandom: Animorphs/Beast Wars
Characters: Cassie, Optimus Primal
Classification: Crack
Rating: G


Optimus Primal woke up in the middle of a coniferous forest with a wolf curled up against his side. It roused when he stirred, yellow eyes focusing on his face.

A feminine 'voice' commed him- No, it wasn't actually engaging his radio, he realized, just writing itself across his communications array like it belonged there.

The wolf whined when he didn't answer the voice and nosed his chest.

This time around, Optimus Primal connected the strange communications with the wolf. He considered that briefly. There was a telepathic wolf calling him Marco and asking if he was all right. There was a joke in there someplace, but he couldn't think of it.


As soon as the first word was out of his mouth, the wolf's ears pricked up in surprise then flattened as she growled. He recognized it as a ghost of Dinobot's warning growl, not as threatening as the velociraptor could be but definitely on its way to getting there.

"As I was saying, I don't think I'm who you think I am. My name is Optimus Primal."

The wolf was still growling at him.

"I'm not actually a gorilla..." He covered his eyes with his hand. "I think this would be easier to demonstrate than explain."

With that, he gingerly got to his feet. It didn't feel like he was damaged anywhere damage-control hadn't detected, which was good. Especially since damage-control said he wasn't damaged at all, except for tumbled gyros and that had been fixed a few moments ago.

The wolf didn't seem like it wanted to bite him right now, and even stalked away a few paces, tail bristling.

"Optimus, maximize!" With a whirr of machinery, he transformed, then turned to the wolf. "As you can see-"

The wolf cocked its head curiously, then gave itself a shake. Abruptly, there was the sound of bones popping and other uniquely organic noises as the wolf transformed into a dark-skinned human girl. She looked at him with wide eyes. "Two-hour time limit."

"... I don't follow."

She smiled, and it was almost friendly. "With all due respect, I'd rather not explain it."

He shrugged slightly. "All right. Would you mind telling me what year it is?"

She told him. He wondered who he had to blame for this new alteration in the Beast Wars.


Today's fandoms and situation brought to you by dark_puck. To suggest tomorrow's flashfic, please comment on this entry.)

writing meme: advent calendar, series: beast wars, series: animorphs

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