Project Idea

Nov 16, 2006 16:47

So I have a notion for a project that would probably be incredibly resource-intensive and time-consuming if I even got a part of it done... But may only get as far as scripting. Still, scripting it is the very first portion of what I need to do, and it will dictate everything else I need for the project.

Let's start with the basics, however. Can you guys recommend to me any movie trailers that particularly stuck out to you and made you watch the movie? Preferably fast-paced, action-y trailers, but other sorts of trailers would also work.

My project, as you may have figured out, is to put together a movie trailer. Right now, I'm trying to figure out about how long I could/should plan for, as well as get an idea of how to just put it together.

Step #2 after scripting, for me, will probably be further research into a couple of different things: recreating the music that's playing in my head with these mental images and a good technique for putting together the 3D characters I'll end up using. That'll be fun, since I've got at least ten different people in the mental headshots so far.

art, movies

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