Title: Wonder
Becky_HCharacter(s): James Herriot/Tristan Farnon
Genre: Slash
Rating: G
Spoilers None
Warnings: None
Word Count: 100, exactly
Beta: None- It's a meme response, and I warned you
Summary: Written for the Time-Stamp meme, for
Matsujo9. Six months after
Same Old Story The answer to 'what next?' turned out to be 'nothing'.
Tristan hadn't said a single word about the night he'd come home bed, and James had put him to bed, and James was loathe to bring it up. Six months later, at the height of summer in the Dales, looking out over a breathtaking view, he'd forgotten all about it.
James glanced over at the young man standing beside him, Woodbine dangling from one hand. Tristan returned his look with a faint smile.
There was so much longing there, something almost pained, that James couldn't help be reminded.
And wonder.