Since when has 'character assassination' been acceptable in fics?
Perhaps I'm being irreversibly dumb but I noted a fic rec on one of my flists describing a story as 'wonderful catharsis' in response to what TPTB have done to the character of Lt. Col. Samantha Carter.
I'll be the first person to state that I dislike the shippiness and general wussiness that the SG showrunners feel is integral to the female characters of their shows (heck - I would refer them to either 'Doctor Who' or 'BSG V_2.0' but that's a debate for another time). While I'm not exactly a SNITer, they do have a point (tips hat to
Even so, since when has turning a major character into a psycho hose beast* been acceptable as catharsis?
I don't happen to like 'DumbJack!' but whenever I have written him, I have written him as being the intelligent, thoughtful, charismatic officer that he is. Or at very least, tried to! The fact that he's boiking his civvy consultant is neither here nor there;) (not to mention the science Major and the Jaffa - depending on what day of the week it is:D)) So I like OT3/4 fics... pfffft!
Destroying a character is relatively easy. Writing them as they have the potential to be is harder... I'm not saying that I can do it *well*, I am just saying that it ain't easy. You don't have to take what is written as so called 'canon' as fact. Hell - they have seemingly made a total hash of it as of late...
Make your own reality people!!
*With thanks to 'Waynes World' for that most excellent insult!