Dear Awesome Person
How are you? I hope this letter finds you well. Can I just start off by saying that you are an awesome person with impeccable taste! How do I know this? You have volunteered to write in one of the teeny fandoms that we both love. Ergo - awesome.
Just before we get to the nitty-gritty, just be aware that whatever you write, so long as you've enjoyed it's crafting, I am bound to enjoy it too. So, no pressure on you;)
And if you're here because you are a pinch-hitting superstar - then the above goes for you with bells on.
This is my 3rd time on the Yuletide train, you can find my previous letters
Here (2010) and
Here (2011) in case you're interested. If you do, some of what I say may seem a tad 'familiar'; if I keep asking, one year, I'll get lucky;)
Please feel free to have a nosey around my journal. As all my requests are films - you may find the
Movies tag of some use. Also my
Films Watched In... posts too, although when I get an hour, I'll update the 2012 one because I am *woefully* behind on that one.
I'll also add relevant detail to each request where needed.
Okay - onto the Likes and Dislikes portion of the letter.
The 'Yes Please!' list includes - Plot, character-led stories, friendships, alternative realities where one thing changes, hugs/cuddling, women characters being awesome and competent, teams equaling families, happy(ish) endings, conversations/banter, films, kisses, laughter, humour, science, teamwork, adventures, slice of life, dancing, joy, life...
If you want to go down the sexyteims route (and given that at three of my fandoms have some of the most beautiful people on the planet - knock yourself out!) - sensuality is key as is emotional engagement and consent among adults too. My strongest leaning is towards m/m, quite happy with het but I'm afraid that f/f does nothing for me. Be far happier with female friendships, if that's okay with you.
The 'No Thank You' list - Character death*, kink, humiliation, partner betrayal, character bashing (especially women characters) porn minus plot, dark themes*. Fluffy monster is so *fluffy* you're gonna die (Despicable Me quote ftw!)
*With Prometheus feel free to give yourself some wiggle room, although, please, no darker than the film went as that was just about to hit my limits in places.
A Quick Word From Our Sponsors Re Ratings - Note - if you, awesome writer, can’t ‘do’ romance (het, slash or poly as the prompt suggests - or not) I would lovelovelove (more than cake!) Gen fic.
I hope that makes some kind of sense - if not, ask the mods (or a hippo!) to ask me for more intel.
The Fandoms:
@ IMDB Click to view
Confession time - As much as I love movies, 'Holiday' movies usually leave me cold. Most likely because most of the time, Christmas means two weeks off work, family DRAMA and new Doctor Who on tv.
This film, however, is the exception. From the moment, I heard the writer speak about it and realising that it was an Aardman film, I was intrigued. And the lead being voiced by
Baby! Prof X didn't hurt either.
For me, this was one of my favourite films of
last year I loved the Claus family - how 'normal' they all were - the rows and the love. I loved the sarcasm spiking the sweetness; I loved the innocent joy and general dorkiness exuded by Arthur himself. If as the trailer points out, if Steve is the brains, Arthur is the heart.
Optional details which are utterly optional - Post movie, Arthur goes on holiday during the 'quiet' time at the Pole. Whether he wants to or not. Where does he go? What does he do? Does he meet 'someone' (after all, I think this is how his parents met - which is an entirely different story!) male or female - doesn't matter.
Or - tell the tale of Christmas 2016 - how does it go, who's doing what (with worry)? Is everyone happy?
@ IMDB Click to view
I loved this movie and I am not afraid to say so! Ahem;) I love that it's a different take on the Alien universe but that it still shares a good deal of it's DNA - right down to the conversations between female characters that do not revolve around men. Which as I'm sure you already know - is the film that is referenced inthe
the cartoon that led the Bechdel test we all know and love. It's a new story in an old universe and I want to hear more such stories.
Optional details which are utterly optional - most of which can be summed up as 'What Happened Next?!' I particularly like
this reading of David and his relationship with Elizabeth. Can one such as he be re-programmed? What else did he get up to while everyone else was asleep - what other films did he enjoy? What about Elizabeth how is she handling all this? Does she have a plan other than 'meet the creators? find out why they wanted humanity dead'? Does want to go 'home' or to explore more? What makes her tick?
Or what if Vickers had zigged instead of zagged, what next for her? She struck me as pragmatist enough to go with them but as to what would happen... well, there's a story or two - if it
ended up like this - I'd be pleased - be happy with All The Friendship fic;)
Conversely, if you'd like to write Janek - tell me about the rituals he has (other than Christmas trees:)) - bring in Chance and Ravel if you want - what other missions has they been on? What has he seen - especially to act the way he did.
In short - go nuts. I just want *more*
@ IMDB Click to view
I love the friendships that the Wild Bunch share. They'll do pretty much anything for each other and even though they know each other so well... they don't but they (mostly) work around that. Or do they?
Optional details which are utterly optional - So, yes, 'The Further Adventures of The Wild Bunch' please. Handsome Bob front and centre would be *awesome*. Especially if there is dancing involved (because that scene where the audience find out what he did on his 'supposed' last night of freedom made me make *dolphin noises* when I first watched it!). Or if you'd prefer Mumbles, I'd be more than happy with that too, because if you can have Idris Elba in anything - you get Idris Elba, end of!
A slice of life with Handsome Bob and Mumbles (who, lets be honest is a diamond geezer) sitting in the Speeler just shooting the breeze (discussing One Two's utter ignorance of what everyone else knew possibly?) and possibly One Two catching the clue bus would also be a thing of awesome.
Friendship, shenangians, be happy with pretty much anything. And if Archy is involved - even just observing, that would be wonderful too.
@ IMDB Click to view
Before I get onto the suggestions proper -
video of Danny Boyle (Sunshine's director) and Professor Brian Cox (Sunshine's science advisor) talking about making the movie and working with the cast. Well worth a watch if you like the movie - and some day someONE will write RPS about the long drunken night Prof Cox had with Cillian Murphy discussing the final scene where it looks like Capa having the mother of all orgasms!... what?!
Optional details which are utterly optional - I would lovelovelove to see Corazon and Cassie being awesome and good friends as well as having a
Bechdel Test passing conversation. There were at least two opportunities where this could have happened but didn’t. Danny Boyle noted (at the talk where the aforementioned vid was filmed) that he wants to do a film that will pass this test - and I am sure he will (and I will pay damn good money to see it too!). Just not here.
I also adore Capa and Mace - we shall not discuss the crush the size of a small *moon* that I have on Cillian Murphy, nor that I’ll quite happily watch Chris Evans in nearly *anything* and have done. Ditto Michelle Yeoh, who I have loved since she wiped the floor with the bad guys back in Tomorrow Never Dies.
Other ideas - How do they deal with things like touch hunger and being a long way from home? What are their coping mechanisms?
Or give me a what if - what if they hadn't found the Icarus I - completed their mission and returned home. They've saved the solar system - now what? How do they adjust to real life and to the fact that they're (regarded by everybody else as) heroes?
If you'd like to draw correlations between these guys and the astronauts of the Apollo missions, knock yourself out. I'm a bit of space nerd, so it would be quite wonderful to read.
And that is that. Obviously - these are just suggestions - if you, awesome writer, have a bunny that’s currently feasting on your ankle that you want to write then... fire up the word processor, draw yourself a beverage and WRITE! I’m sure I’m going to like it!
So - to conclude - have fun and I hope that your fic is as awesome as you are!