The time of year where I spam this journal with ANGST and DRAMAZ about writing ALL THE STORIES. And this year, I think I may end up surpassing myself - but that's a conversation for another time.
In the meantime -
Sign Ups for Yuletide 2012 are now OPEN. Yes, my letter will be up forthwith once I *finally* make my mind up about my 4th nomination. Problem is, I'd like a story and feel I could write a story from both prospective fandoms but... at this moment - one fandom has way more requests than offers and the other... well, doesn't.
Not only that but ALSO -
sign-up oct 10 - oct 24! I need to apply brains to this one. Want to do it again but at present I have no ideas as to what to ask for. I should be able to explain *why* in a day or two... Cryptic Monster Is Cryptic.