Trailer for the film Cloud Atlas - frankly, they had me at 'Wachowskis' (The Wachowski Siblings - directors of The Matrix Trilogy) and 'Hugo Weaving' but this looks like something quite wonderful. Comes out in October I think...
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In other news, Professor Brian Cox was awarded an honourary degree from Huddersfield University today. So far, so normal - until you take into consideration that Huddersfield's VC is Sir Patrick Stewart...
In the spirit of 'photos or it never happened' - Prox Cox and Prof X.
Gia Milinovich (aka Mrs Professor Cox) wins the Internet today for her comment on the photo that it was of
her current and future husbands. For let's be honest - while Prof Cox is a cutie - Sir Patrick always has been and ever shall be incadesantly hawt.
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And how are you