So - here are the rules:
1. Reply to this post with "excalibur", and I will pick five of your icons.
2. Make a post (including the meme info) and talk about the icons I chose.
3. Other people can then comment to you and make their own posts.
4. This will create a never-ending cycle of icon glee.
aurora_novarum asked me about these:
Icon Key Words - movies_xmfc_slash_ready - icon by
i_rise_inside Okay - the really short version? X-Men: First Class was pretty much the movie of the summer for me. I was hoping that it would be good. I just wasn't expecting to be utterly *bowled* over by it. And I sure as heck wasn't expecting to fall hopelessly (again!) for the actors who played my favourite characters - Professor Charles Xavier and Erik 'Magneto' Lensherr.
I have plot bunnies bouncing around me - so many of the damn buggers - but I just need time and desire to write. Both are a bit thin on the ground - but I am hopeful (or else I will make them - somehow!). Still, this image makes me happy as it reminds me not just of a superb film but of the 'Aren't-Movies-Kewl?!' trailer that was shown before every damn film I saw for at least three months over summer.
It involved clips from most films that were showing over the summer - for XM:FC - the dialogue was simply:
XAVIER - Are you ready for this?
LENSHERR - Let's find out.
Icon Key Words - DW_stargate - icon by
hobbit_hunter If there is one thing I love about icons, it's when they can mash up two (or more) fandoms at once. Not only does it mean that they can work double shift but there's usually a good joke in there too.
See above for what I mean;) It's one of my *oldest* icons and it's still one that makes me smile everytime I see it. It's the grin that does it. Nine had what I call a 'sunshine through clouds' grin. Doesn't happen very often, is very quick but when it does... all the more beautiful for it.
Oh 'Verse, I still *miss* Nine
Icon Key Words - Books Hobbes Back - icon by
fooish_icons Now this is a matter of interpretation. In context, I am sure this image is from a sequence of Hobbes preparing to do one of his legendary 'attacks' on Calvin. If you've seen them - they are usually some of the funniest strips that Watterson did for C&H.
For me, this has a different meaning. It's my 'Furious Monster is FURIOUS' icon. So there will be blood, swears and general bad behaviour. I don't use it very often but when I do... consider it your five second warning.
Icon Key Words - DW_Fandom two hearts - icon by
nostalgia_lj Like the above, this icon has a very definite purpose. Whereas that one expresses anger - this one expresses... well, heartbreak. Especially those moments when my heart is in pieces on the floor (usually over a film or a TV show - *coughTorchwood:Children Of Earth Day Fourcough*) and there is nothing I can do about it other than sob my guts up and rant about it on LJ.
Needless to say that I haven't used it for a little while - I'm glad to say;)
Icon Key Words - books_hhgttg_ohnoes! - icon by... I *still* don't know!
Saving the best for last - this is one of my all time favourite icons. It's been my default more times than strictly necessary. If you know Hitchhikers Guide To The Galaxy, you know the scene - the bowl of petunias kill me everytime.
"Oh no, not again."
So - there you go! Queries, questions, general heckling?