Apart from getting paid today - parts of my day have *sucked* like a damn black hole. So counteract the suck - I bring a list of things that are just *awesome*
A 'Doctor Who' Picspam, emphasising the use of colour in the new series for the
picspammy challenge.
This runs the rainbow from red to violet and it is beautiful. Incredibly image heavy but worth the bandwidth.
FIC - 'Monsters Vs Aliens' by Salieri troyswannTorchwood/Being Human
Yes, Ianto and George meet - the universe does not explode with the awesomeness (which it would - because!) but this fic is filled with it. Everyone is in character and utterly wonderful.
Courtesy of
Flickfilosopher. The Many and Varied Adventures of
Nigel the Charity Pig around and about the UK.
Will someone please put both John Barrowman and Pixar on the NHS? Because they both make life all that more wonderful just by being.
To whit:
Two videos of John talking about Torchwood, Doctor Who and La Cage Aux Folles I can't speak to the content (bloody internet connection!) but he's wearing a short sleeved shirt (hummina!) and yes... it's John Barrowman for heavens sake... Who I get to see in La Cage Aux Folles on 7th November along with
torn_eledhwen. I'm really looking forward to it!
Which, of course is going to be the date the BBC choose to air 'Waters of Mars'... but that's what BBC iPlayer is for;) No confirmation yet - but knowing *my* luck...;p
So, over to
you guys?. Any awesomeness to add to that collected above?