Still here. Can't say the same for my muse but I shall perserve for the time being.
Subject Line is a quote from
Spamalot - the Musical which I saw in London on Saturday afternoon. I thought it was brilliant. Not just because it starred Alan Dale (who has a habit of turning up in *every* US show you'd care to mention - such as Ugly Betty, 24, The OC and some show about Navy cops I've *never* heard of!). More recently seen in Torchwood as well. Yeah... him!
Though he might not be the best singer out there - he can keep a straight face while faced with Knights that say 'NI!' and killer rabbits and the like... which is a lot more than I can do. Recommended;)
wiccagirl24's favourite
voodoo doll...
NCIS showrunner Shane Brennan clears up some details about Season 6. In short... 'No', 'Oh ye of little faith!' and 'that narrows the field down a bit...'
May Tony DiNozzo and the gods of cinema forgive me for asking this question (and for admitting to this too) but is anyone on my flist thinking about going to see the Sex and the City movie?
If you are - would you recommend it to someone like me? As in someone who only went to see 27 Dresses because James 'Cyclops from X-Men' Marsden was in it? (he was gorgeous - the rest of it was meh)
No rush... I'm going to see Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull this weekend. I would have gone last weekend but I was attacked by a killer bunny with BIG SHARP POINTY TEETHS! Said bunny is now 'terrorising' David T. Dragon.
Talking of terror - I'll say it now
My head (filled with 15 years of library training and work)) tells me that in the future, libraries like that won't exist. My heart just tells my head to stfu!
My bed is callllling my naaaammme! Anything else I need to know?