What the Pterodactyl Saw (Prologue)

May 16, 2008 15:51

Title: What the Pterodactyl Saw (Prologue)
Characters: Myfanwy, team, implied Owen/Suzie (this chapter)
Rating: PG
Warning: Spoilers for 2x12 "Fragments", a food fixation and purple ferrets
Summary: aka Myfanwy's Musings on her Human Hatchlings. Myfanwy has a visitor who's rather interested in her little family.
A/N: Set before 1x01 "Everything Changes". All feedback is love.
A/N2: Updates for this are likely to be quite sporadic for a while, as I'm in the middle of my exams. Also if anyone has any suggestions for a name Myfanwy can call Gwen, I would be very grateful as I can't seem to think of a decent one. Unbeta-ed, so feel free to call me on any mistakes.

Who are you! How did you get into my nest? Get out! Did one of my hatchlings let you in? That’s why you’re here? To talk about the hatchlings? Oh! Oh, OK. They’re not really my hatchlings, of course, but I like to think of them as my hatchlings. I don’t have any of my own. I haven’t seen any males for a very long time. I would go looking for them but the hatchlings get very upset if I don’t come home by sunrise. I think they miss their mummy. The males must all be on holiday. A very long holiday. Shame, I could really do with a bit of -

Oh yes, the hatchlings! The first hatchling I adopted was Steamy. To be honest, I didn’t think much of him, to start with. He kept following me when I went hunting and he kept getting in my way. I don’t think I caught so much as a rat when he was about. In the end, he won me round by bringing me presents. I’m not sure what it was, but it was dark and sweet and bitter. And it made me feel really happy.

Because, I think, he liked me so much, he brought a friend with him the next time he came to visit. My first thought about his friend was ‘Phew! He stinks!’ I mean it! It’s really strong. I’m used to it now, but I think I must have squawked really loudly when I first met Smelly. Anyway, Steamy brought me more of that dark, sweet, bitter stuff - that hatchling spoils me. When Smelly tried to hug me, I was so shocked I flew off. But the silly hatchling was clinging on to my leg! So there I was flying round, desperately trying to find somewhere safe to set him down, and he stabs me in the leg! The next thing I remember is waking up here. They must have knocked me out to bring me here safely. Honestly, I don’t know what goes on in their heads sometimes, but I’m sure they meant well. I insist on Smelly living here with me now - I don’t trust him on his own. I’d hate to imagine the mischief he’d get up to if I wasn’t here.

Oh! You must think I’m a terrible mother! I’ve only mentioned two of my hatchlings so far! I’m closest to Saucy - she spends the most time with me. To start with only Smelly and Steamy came near me but, not long after I moved in, the hatchlings got rather upset with me for eating the food they left out. I think they were worried that it wouldn’t agree with me. I have no idea why - I’ve eaten everything under this sun and I’ve not tried anything yet that’s upset my stomach. Tell a lie, there was that time with the purple ferrets but the less said about that the better.

Anyway, because they were worried about what I was eating, Saucy started putting, well, sauce on my food. I really like that stuff. Even more than I like the dark, sweet, bitter stuff. Now I refuse to eat anything that doesn’t have it on. But, because the hatchlings won’t tell me where they keep my special sauce, I can only eat things that Chef gives Saucy for me. That is annoying. Most of the things Chef prepares for me are hardly fresh and usually chilled (he keeps the food in these big cold cupboards that I can’t open) but he’s a good hatchling and usually cuts it into nice chunks for me. And he takes the bones out.

Saucy spends a lot of time with Chef that doesn’t involve food. I’ve heard the squawks they make together. Inedible walked in on them and came out looking very flushed. I don’t spend that much time with Inedible and I’m not certain what she does all day. I know that Smelly shouts at the other hatchlings, Saucy brings me food (complete with special sauce), Chef cuts food and Steamy hands round steaming liquids. Whatever Inedible does, I can’t eat any of it. I tried it once and it was nearly as bad as the purple ferrets. Mind you, it would have been hard for it to have been worse than the purple ferrets.

Oh, are you off? No, no, I don’t mind in the least. It’s getting late and I could do with stretching my wings. I’d love to have you again. Yeah. Well, whenever’s fine. I’m not going anywhere during the day, I’d welcome the company. It’s a date then. Until the next time, bye.

fan fic, torchwood, what the pterodactyl saw

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