Been out and about recently..... marketing does that for you... - even if you don't particularly like the area's you're marketing in.... There was one industrial park that freaked me out - it looked like the aftermath of WW27..... and that was just the buildings; I won't go into the people I saw there.....
Anyway - the new Fuji goes with me now - because it's got almost the best features of any of my cameras..... and i thought I'd share 3 shots....
An evocative view of Plimmerton...
This view was the same general direction but only about 10 minutes later...... which shows how great the light is over here....
And finally.... you've heard of a 'bridge too far'.... well, this is a bridge to nowhere...... It's literally out in the middle of the fields as they built new roads elsewhere..... but didn't bother to knock it down..... it's beautiful and I want to go back there sometime and get closed with a tripod and see just what I can get properly......
Hope you like them....