Oct 04, 2005 20:19
ok so...life is good!! today i only had to work for like 3 hours which rocked because i think there have only been about a few other times when i've been more tired than i am right now. but it's fine...because i still have to write a 4-6 page short story for creative writing...seriously i'm fine and bokamba is fine too for that matter. anyways...i love rainy days more than life and pretty much can see myself happily living in the pacific northwest when i grow up. p.s. i hate that phrase..."when i grow up"...i seriously think i'll use it til i'm 67 but it just feels so childish (in a good way) but it's like ok we are growing up and "grown up" is right around the corner. whatever...so college is my favorite and i've become more and more excited as the days go by. i'm kind of addicted to looking at my college apps and filling htem out, i dont' knwo what i'm goign to do when i'm finish. i'm just excited to visit the sis at college and party and hang out with REAL COLLEGE KIDS! weeee. anyways my sis is coming home for the weekend and it's a big suprise for mark and kath let me tell you. they ahve no idea...i'm picking her up at the airport after school on fri. and then we're suprising them, i'm excited, my mom is goign to cry. hehe anyways so school is dece. bel canto sucks a lot of ass, i woudl say lately but it's basically forever and a half. i'm soo tempted to drop and be like whatever but i can't which is shitty. but good times all over the place right? it's times like these when i sit back and take time to reflect and write on my highs and lows of SEPTEMBER 2005 (the first month of senior year).....
-cool people
-ap gov
-ms. nelson (nelly) calling tony "slippery" on day in calc
-everyone at my job
-that it's fall!!!!!!!!!!!
-choir camp and having the cutest little sister (in choir)
-HOMECOMING WEEKEND...basically was amazing all over the place
-getting dress up for homecoming
-seeing abbie, peter, and ian streak...good times
-the picture on tony's cam of ms. hartmann after they struck? (streaked?)
-fun new people
-senior weekends
-cute boys...one in partic
-being completely done with 3 of my 8 college apps (i'm going to college!!)
-talking to elizabeth on the phone
-watching tony leave drunk messages for elizabeth using my phone
-funny drinking games
-scarve season!!!
-knowing apple orchards are open!
-senior pics from other people
-good times.
-being around people that throw up when they drink (who actually does that...)
-homework and essays for college apps
-working on week nights
-BEL CANTO! (as much as a love some girls in it, i despise it)
-that calc is very boring
-administration that freak out about streakers and just basically teh whole senior class
-girls that press charges against "hazers"
overall amazing first month of senior year! cool.
peace, love, and "slippery" boys,