Dec 15, 2009 16:25
So even though today was my last day of thesis class (I have another semester of it btw but I'm switching to a different teacher, or rather, teachers, next semester), it was still the shittiest class session yet.
Okay, first off, for the critiques today, the teacher was going around the room in the order that everyone's work was placed on the wall. He deliberately skipped mine, and he had also done that last week. Yeah, reeeeal mature. >_> Hell, there was another girl he said should probably switch to another teacher next semester, and he didn't even skip over her.
Second, there was another teacher there as a guest who also offered some helpful advice to some of the students (including me, which I appreciated). Of course my thesis teacher (who I will refer to as "TW" from here on out) had the gall to say something about me to him "in private". In other words, I heard TW say "Rebecca", then lower his voice so I couldn't hear the rest of what he said to the other teacher. Which obviously means he was probably saying something insulting about me. Again, real mature. =_=
And then of course when I tried to defend my work to maybe convince him that at least it wasn't -total- shit, he still thought I was giving him excuses! EVERYTHING I SAY is an excuse to him, wtf. Even when it's a legitimate explanation. It's like he doesn't even listen to me because he's too busy viewing me through a distorted lens where he sees me as some lazy-ass slacker who doesn't give a shit when really I worked my ass off several times during that class, and when I didn't it was only because I was really discouraged by the overly-harsh critiques he gave me (namely "it looks like something a middle schooler would draw" and "your work hasn't improved at all").
Also, TW said at some point to the other teacher during class that he thought the better students in the class would somehow raise the level of work everyone else did. Uh, sorry, it doesn't fucking work like that. TW, YOU are the teacher, not the other students.
Luckily the class is OVER so I don't have to deal with this shit anymore but ARGH. I don't think I've ever experienced such childish and irrational behavior from any teacher in my entire life. >_>
On a more positive note I did feel a lot better after reading Sugizo's Myspace blog. So thank you Sugizo. <3
my life,