Just a quick-ish Arashi post today as the start of catching up. Spoilers for anything listed under the cut:
→ VS ARASHI #32 [2008.11.22] subbed
→ VS ARASHI #34 [2008.12.06] subbed
→ Arashi no Shukudai-kun #111 [2008.11.24] subbed
→ auBOX Jun version subbed
Arashi stuff )
Since I'm not that heavily involved with other fandoms, I don't know who gets as many shows as Arashi does--doesn't TOKIO have a whole crapload of shows when you take into account their individual members' other shows? (Like Aiba with TSD.) And I'm not sure how many SMAP has or how often they get subbed. Or how many shows K8 has. But when I look at the group comms for posting subs, when I checked in on other groups, it didn't seem like they were putting out as much as Arashi was putting out.
Which, I suspect, is half of why there's so much more fic for K8 and NEWS and KAT-TUN, because they're not busy scrambling to keep up with canon. But the other half is that they're more established fandoms and I think more people got into them for the fic, rather than the way a lot of Arashi fans seem to have come in--which was for the canon. (I could be WAY OFF BASE, I'm only in the one fandom, so I don't actually know anything about the others!) Except for maybe Nobuta, that seemed to really spark off a lot of the NEWS/KAT-TUN fans. XD
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