Title: Once Upon a Time...
celeste9Characters: Becker/Jess, Connor, Ryan
Rating: PG-13
Warning: mild violence
Summary: People have been claiming to see dragons. (fantasy au)
Word Count:1737
A/N: For 'dragons' on my Primeval Denial bingo card and 'au: fantasy' on my
trope_bingo card (free space), and with thanks to
deinonychus_1 for the speedy beta!
LJ AO3 DW Title: Brave
celeste9Characters: Becker/Jess, Ryan, Matt, Danny
Rating: PG-13
Warning: fantasy AU, aftermath of violence
Summary: While following the dragon's trail, Jess grows closer to Becker.
Word Count: 1623
A/N: This is a sequel to
Once Upon a Time..., in which Becker's village came under attack and Jess was amongst the knights who came to the rescue. Thanks to
clea2011 and
deinonychus_1 for the beta. For 'brave' on my Primeval Denial bingo card.