Title: Don't Bring Me Flowers
Author: Clea2011
Rating: 12
Characters: Becker/Jess, Matt, Lester, Connor
Disclaimer: Primeval belongs to Impossible Pictures, I'm just writing for fun and non-profit.
Word count: 1979
Warnings: Crack
A/N: Written for the
primeval_denial Bingo prompt 'The Cost of Magic' (that's
9/25 done ) and my
trope_bingo square 'Power Dynamics' - that's
23/25 done - and with the two fic covers that I can't post till Celeste's birthday on Saturday, that's a blackout. Thank you to
celeste9 and
deinonychus_1 for the beta.
Read it
here on A03(
Dont Bring me Flowers )