I could work my life away but why, I've got things to do before I die

Aug 15, 2008 22:06

Today has been pretty bloody good!

Firstly, I handed my 2 weeks' in at work. "So now boss man, here's my two weeks, I'll make it short and sweet, so listen up" as the Sugarland song says! Alex got a bit annoyed and asked if I could work an extra week, finishing on the 5th September. I replied with a very firm and assertive "Hell, no!", the 29th will be my last day at that job. This is officially because I'm moving to Worcester on the 30th/31st August, and unofficially because I may stab myself in the eye with a stapler just to bring some excitement into my day if I have to be a receptionist much longer. I hate my job with a passion (I also fully intend to report them to SOMEWHERE after I leave, the stuff that goes on in that place just isn't on) and while I could move to Worcester on the 6th/7th, I want to have a good week and a bit to settle in before my course starts. I want time to get organised, chill out and get ready for everything.

Second, I will no longer be homeless in Worcester! Yesterday I randomly rang up regarding a spare room to let I'd found online, and I arranged a viewing today. Obviously I didn't go, being firmly stuck in Leeds for the moment, but Kyle went on my behalf and looked around. He took some pics too. My bedroom will be tiny, but it has the essentials and I can see some potential; it's quite cosy and very light - the furniture is a very dark brown which I hate, but once I've covered the wardrobe in my postcards and stuck posters over the wall I think it'll look miles better! I'm not taking nearly as much to Uni this time round, so I think I can handle having a smaller bedroom and I don't see it being a problem. The house doesn't have a lounge unfortunately, BUT the kitchen is rather lush and the rent is only £61 weekly (bills inclusive unless we go over) and it's about ten minutes' walk from Uni. I can't really argue with that!

Also, so far *touch wood* the housemates seem nice. I've spoken to one of the tenants-to-be, Emily. Okay we only chatted for five minutes on the phone, but so far she seems relatively normal and quite friendly and chatty, so fingers crossed we'll all get on okay. Even if we don't, though, I'll be out of the house a lot so... Not really a big deal.

So yeah, I'm just going to run with that (as I don't want to risk having no house) and hopefully it'll all turn out for the best! Sending the deposit now and signing a contract next week.

This is all happening so quickly!

Got a million forms to fill in over the weekend *groan* but it'll be worth it :)

26 days till my course starts...

uni, yayage, teaching, the good

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