I GOT IN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Yep I came, I saw, I conquered and then I did the frickin happy dance! I got onto my PGCE course in Worcester, they told me straight after my interview (quite possibly THE most stressful day of my life!) that they would be delighted to offer me a place on the teacher training course, and now all is well with my world! I still cannot believe it, I firmly believe that I am possibly the luckiest person EVER. I'm also starting to wonder if I'll ever begin a Uni course with more than a month's notice ;)
The interview was amazingly stressful. It was an entire day of group activities, a test, and an interview at the end; and they told us upfront that we'd find out today if we were going to be offered a place - so no pressure! I honestly thought I'd fucked it up; I was very quiet in the group task, and I did appallingly on the Physics part of my Science test. But the interview went really well and then they offered me a place - I nearly burst into tears!
There are just two conditions to my place; I have to arrange 2 days' observation in a school in September before our term starts - not a problem - and I have to brush up on my Physics!!! So I've spent this morning on eBay searching for GCSE revision guides going cheap so I can learn. Cannot believe I'm voluntarily studying Physics!!!
So yes, I'm now ringing round madly trying to organise bursaries and grants (yeah, good luck getting through to the Education Authority on A-level results day - I really didn't think this one through!), trying to find somewhere to live (and getting Kyle to conduct viewings for me as I can't get to Worcester anytime soon) and generally being stressed out. But you know what, I wouldn't have it any other way! I am SO amazingly hyped about moving to Worcester and doing this course, I may have already found somewhere to live and I'm just so utterly excited.
I really love my life. And the knowledge that today I will be telling work precisely where they can shove my job (I may even draw a Scientifically annotated diagram for them) is definitely keeping a smile on my face!
Oh and there's also a new addition to the family; my iPhone! I'm not even going to waste time describing how incredibly awesome it is, but trust me, it's a thing of beauty and wonder, and must be worshipped and revered. :)
I am so, so, so, so, so, so, so happy!
MASSIVE thanks to
heza_uk who really helped me with my interview preparation :) :) :) I am so amazingly grateful to you for that, things wouldn't have gone nearly as well without your advice!!!
So yes... go me!!!!!!