More vids!

May 06, 2010 20:14

I totally forgot some vids that I wanted to include in my last post, but I don't want them to get lost in edits at the bottom of that post, so I'm starting a new one.

The Test by heresluck. Star Trek, reboot + TOS. Kirk/Spock, loads of fun. The music is awesome and perfect, and I love how she switches effortlessly (or so it seems) between reboot and TOS. The effects she uses work really well, too.

Then there are two vids by humansrsuperior.

First is Shine, which is a happy, fun, shiny farewell to the RTD era of Doctor Who, including the Ninth Doctor, the Tenth Doctor, Rose, Martha, Donna, Jackie, Mickey, Sarah Jane and Jack. SO much fun.

Then there's Brand New Day, which is basically a "Hey! Doctor Who Series 5 is pretty damn nifty!" vid. Eleven and Amy, having a grand old time. Spoilers for episodes 1-4, series trailers, and apparently some scenes from the Confidentials.

Finally, I'm sure loads of you have already seen this, but if you are one of the few who haven't, and you like Doctor Who and the Tenth Doctor, you need to see this: Tenth Doctor: The Musical, by di-br. Funnneeeee!!! Basically, it's the life of Ten, set to music. Poor dear. *snerk* Also, be on the lookout for the cameos from the Ninth Doctor, as they are not to be missed.

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startrekvids, star_trek, vid_recs, st:tos, drwho_vids, st_movie_2009, drwho_s5

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