Decided to watch tonight's The Good Wife in real time, which I rarely do, since it's the season finale.
Interesting way to end the season. I was almost positive that Kalinda's husband would be there waiting to pounce on Alicia as that would be the shocking, cliffhangery way to end the season which many other shows would have done. So glad they didn't go with that option.
Was anyone really surprised that what Kalinda's been hiding from all this time is a bad husband? I'm thinking he's probably not her ex as it would probably be difficult to divorce someone you're hiding from. The thing I do not get at all is if she can't cash that check from him, why didn't she just shred the thing? I assume there's some really good reason why she needed to keep it, but I can't figure out why and of course it's going to be months before we know.
I am really, really, really super-glad that Kalinda decided to stay because Alicia told her he called. I mean, I'm sure part of it is that she just wants to get it over with and is tired of running from him, but I like the idea that she didn't want him going after Alicia at all. I like that a lot.
I think my favorite part of the episode other than Kalinda deciding to stick around, though, is that awkward scene of awkward by the elevators. I about died laughing. That was lovely and very well done. Hee.
This show continues to be seriously awesome and I very much look forward to the next season.
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