"Be Strong When Things Fall Apart"

May 03, 2004 22:55

ok so i have this verse from a song stuck in my head and it just about sums up how i feel right now so here goes:
"It's just one of those days
When ya don't wanna wake up
Everything is fucked, everybody sucks.
You don't really know why
But you wanna justify rippin' someone's head off
No human contact
And if you interact your life is on contract
Your best bet is to stay away mother fucker!
It's just one of those days!"

aright well so much for having that good day i thought i was going to have. I got home and everything went down hill from there. I had an OK day at school i mean hey its school waht do you expect, then i went out and got glasses im really excited i cant wait til they get in! so then i get home and it seems that that dark cloud slowly consumes me with tension and anxioty and frustration and hatred. Hatred for my parents, for my sister, but mostly for myself, but then the hatred grows as i hate myself more because then i hate myself even more for hating myself...you follow... oh well too bad im just rambling anyway. Today was another one of thso days where i stood infront of the mirror and hated everything about the way i looked. i hate the way i look, i hate the way i act, i hate the way i feel, and most of all i hate the things i do because i hate myself so much! Damn i sure do have a lot of hatred for an 18 year old. yeah i know i use it way too much and im not supose to use it but thats the only word i can think of that can show how i feel. i was watching everwood and i find that the last lines of it, i guess its the moral to the show or something, always well seems to be a good quote so i am gunna try to say it but i know it wont turn out right...well now i cant remember it at all haha ok well thats enogh for now. As a Wise girl well no woman once told me "KEEP GOING"...thanks alex...im glad i can still talk to you :)
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