
Dec 09, 2004 17:40

01) What time did you start this?: 541pm
002) Name: Becca
003) Date of birth: Dec 6th
004) Sex: female
005) Height: like 5'9 ish
006) Eye color: red
007) Weight: too much
008) Location: Hartford, Ct
009) Do you currently love anyone: family and friends
010) Do you have crush on someone: ...thats a tough one right now
011) Do you have a bf/gf: not really
012) How long have you been together: i said that it doesnt really count
013) What are you wearing right now: a hoodie and jucy pants
014) Would you have sex before marriage: oops too late
015) Have you ever had a crush on any of your teachers?: nope
017) Do you smoke: cigarettes only when im really drunk
018) Do you drink: yup!
019) Are you Ghetto: no but i live in one...
020) Are you a player: dont think so
021) What are your favorite colors: blue and perywinkle
022) What is your favorite animal: white tiger
023) Do you have any birthmarks: not anymore, i had to get it removed
024) Have you ever gotten your ass kicked: no
025) Who are your best friends: does that matter?
026) Have you ever beat someone up: yup
027) Have you ever been slapped: yup
028) Do you get online a lot: hahaha thats a stupid question
029) Are you shy or outgoing: depends
030) Do you shower: yes
031) Do you hate school: i love my school, i like my classes, but i hate work!
032) Do you have a social life: yes
033) How easily do you trust people: i trust them when it feels right i guess i dunno
034) Have you ever lied to your best friends: i have witheld information, or twisted it but im not sure if i have straight out lied
035) Do you have a secret people don't know: maybe....
036) Would you ever sky dive: YES i want to so bad!
037) Do you like to dance: yes!
038) Have you ever been out of state: i am right now
039) Do you like to travel: love it
040) Have you ever been suspended from school: sort of 
041) Do you want to get out of your hometown: i am...
042) Are you a brat: I dont know
043) Have you ever been dumped: uh not really....
044) What's your favorite pop: huh? if you mean soda, call it soda!
045) Do you like Snapple: yes
046) Do you drink a lot of water: yes but not as much as i should
047) What toothpaste do you use: CREST
048) Do you have a cell phone or pager: cell
049) Do you have a curfew: not anymore
050) Who do you look up to: im not really sure...
051) Are you a role model: dunno
052) What name brand do you wear the most: Nike, and Citizen of Humanity
053) What kind of jewelry do you wear: Nike watch, Carona rubberband, maax rubberband, livestrong and lehigh for ALS bracelets and my necklace with the eternal circle and star of david and earings
054) What do you have pierced: uh huh
055) What do you want pierced: i love peircings!! i want the triagle in the middle of my ear done
056) Do you like taking pictures: sorta but i like looking at them
057) Do you like getting your picture taken: not really
058) Do you have a tan: haha NO!
059) Do you get annoyed easily: sometimes
060) Have you ever started a rumor: no
061) Do you have your own phone/phone line: yes
062) Do you have your own pool: no
063) Do you have any siblings: yes
064) Do you prefer boxers or briefs: neither ;)
065) Have you ever been played: no dont think so
066) Have you ever played someone: i dont know...does that mean cheated??
067) Do you get along with your parents: depends
068) How do you vent your anger: scream, cry, and other things
069) Have you ever run away: yup
070) Have you ever been fired from a job: no
071) Do you even have a job: yes
072) Do you daydream a lot: OMG yes
073) Do you have a lot of ex’s: nope
074) Do you run your mouth: i dunno
075) What do you want a tattoo of: im not sure
076) What do you have a tattoo of?: dont have one
077) What are your favorite flowers:hmmmm
078) What does your ex bf/gf look like: uh....weird question
079) What does your most recent crush look like: .....secret....
080) Have you ever been bitched out: uh huh
081) When was the last time you bitched someone out: probably not too long ago
082) Are you rude: yeha i guess
083) What was the last compliment you received: to stop saying sorry so much lol
084) Is your bellybutton an innie or outie: innie!
085) Are you flexible: not really
086) What is your heritage: Greek and uh...jewish?!
087) What does your hair look like right now: curly and in a messy bun with pieces falling out lol
088) Could you ever be a vegetarian: yup i sorta am one at school
089) When was your last real heartbreak: dont know if i have had one
090) Describe your looks: uh...pass
091) If you had to completely dye your hair it'd be what color: not sure
092) Would you ever date someone younger than you: well it depends on how much younger, like years or months
093) Would you ever date someone older than you: yup, always have
094) When was the last time you were drunk: mm....last night lol
095) When was the last time you went on a date: lol im gunna pass on this one lol
096) Have you ever had an eating disorder: i wish
097) Do you have one now: again i wish
098) How many rings until you answer the phone: 2 or 3
099) Have you ever been skinny dipping: nope
100) Do you look more like your mother or father: neither my mom's father
101) Do you cry a lot: not infront of other people
102) Do you ever cry to get your way: no
103) If you had to amputate one limb, what would it be:none thank you!
104) What phrase do you use most on the phone: i dunno call me and see...
105) Are you the romantic type: dunno
106) Have you ever been chased by cops: nope
107) What do you like most about your body: my eyes
108) What do you like least about your body: everything
109) When was the last time you threw up: Saturday night lol
110) In the opposite sex, do you prefer blondes or brunettes: doesnt really matter
111) What do the shoes you last wore look like: black flip flops that say trinity in yellow in the like cloth part thing
112) Do you ever wear shirts to show your belly: uh i dunno
113) What about cleavage: dont really have much lol
114) Is your best friend a virgin: yes
115) Have you ever fucked someone up: i broke my sisters hand....
116) Have you ever been fucked up: nope
117) What color are your underwear right now: white with pink trim
118) What theme does your room have: get as much of my stuff in as little space as possible!?
119) What size shoe do you wear: 9 1/2-10
120) What jewelry are you wearing now: watch necklace earings and rubberbands lol
121) What is your screen name on AIM: take a lucky one
122) Would you pick a wedgie in public: yeah
123) How are you feeling right now: exaused and drained...pulled an allnighter last night
124) When was the last time you were at a party: Sat night
125) Have you ever given a lap dance: uh huh lol
126) What do you sleep in: PJs
127) Has there ever been a rumor spread about you: Aquward Bio Hookup!!!
128) What is one of your bad qualities: would i wanna spred them!?
129) What is one of your good qualities: dunno
130) Would you marry for money: no
131) What do you drive: my awsome Explorer that many think has a complex cause its an SUV but is a coupe lol
132) Are you more of a mama or daddy's child: both
133) When was the last time you cried in school: high school prob
134) Do you wear Chucks: huh?
135) For two million dollars, would you pose for Playboy: yeah lol
136) What time is it now: 608 pm
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