Sep 23, 2005 23:58
Well I made it another day. This week has been awful difficult but I stayed clean and sober. I have been building a network of good friends and that is seeming to help. I have always been a loner of some sort and having friends is a big change for me. But it's a good change. I soon will have very little time to retreat into myself and make bad choices. Anyways on to the good news. I met a guy yesterday. It's about time!!! I really enjoy talking to him. He races cars and works on a pit crew!!! He's really hot and he has a lot of good things to stay. I am so sick of talking to dumb men. It a really nice change to have an intelligent conversation with one for once. I really wish someone would read this journal and post some comments in it. I would love to get feedback or constructive criticism. There are many points of my life that could use improvement. In this process of re-inventing myself I need all the help I can Talk to ya'll tomorrow!!!