Nov 05, 2008 18:41
I wrote this big long thing a few minutes ago... don't know if anyone actually saw it, but I thought about what I wrote, and decided it was better left if I put it this way instead.
I am upset about prop 8. Not necessarily upset that it passed. I am... but thats not what has me so pissed off.
What has me so pissed off is how my friends are handling it. Name calling, Accusations... It's not necessary
It is entirely possible to love someone, but not what they do. Just because someone voted yes on 8, does not mean that they hate gay people. It means that they felt compelled to vote against marraige for another reason. Religion, other beleifs. You can't be upset at someone for voting with their faith.
I know people who voted yes. I know GAY and BI people who voted yes. I know people with gay best friends who voted yes.
No one should have to feel guilty for voting how they please. And when they get online and can see people calling them names and slandering their beleifs thats exactly what can happen. They "ruined someones life" they "hate people who are different."
By calling "yes on 8" voters bigots, and closed minded, it makes you just as bad as you think they are. Closed minded because you can't understand why they voted they way they did. Bigots because you have stubborn and complete intolerance of any creed, belief, or opinion that differs from your own.
At the polls I stood there battling myself on how to vote because I have gay friends who are very dear to me, but also very strong religious beleifs. I wont tell you which way I voted, or if I even voted at all.
But seriously... think about what you're saying before you say it. Cuz I am mad... madder then I have been in a LONG time at how my friends are acting. Mad that if I said "I voted no" they'd be fine but if I said "I voted yes" then I am a bigot in theier eyes. Or if I didn't vote, then I didn't do my civic duty.
I am done. Thats all I am going to say. Let you know that I don't hate my friends for voting how they feel was best for them.