
Jan 29, 2013 14:58

So .... I'm sitting at my desk waiting for my meeting at 3:30 just having gotten out of another meeting.  I had class at 11, I have another class at 5 and I am SO FUCKING EXCITED.

I was just handed complete technical responsibility for a bunch of aveda institutes.  Right now they're in HORRIBLE shape.  I will be traveling at some point in the next 90 days to Atlanta, Austin, Birmingham, Charlotte, Dallas, Houston, and Washington DC (I'm not counting the schools that are less than hour from me here because well .... they don't count) :P

Please let me go to Charlotte or DC when its snowing? Puhlease?

Right now there are no servers, no network, the wiring is atrocious, they all have different systems, the computers are over 10 years old, there is soooooooooooooooooooooooo much work to do!

OMG.  I think I'm gonna hypervenilate.  And my boss likes / trusts me enough to give it all to me.  *squeeee*

Oh! And since I commute an hour back and forth everyday, he's talking about letting me set up shop (my office) in my home base since we have a school there 2 days a week and an expense account for when I travel.  This makes me really happy too.

Have I mentioned how excited I am? Cuz I am.


Email management, setting up networks/domains/file servers at all the locations, getting them all on the same system for music, getting them all upgraded to voip, basic troubleshooting, a real helpdesk system, maintain databases for the in house systems / software they use, Travel .... THIS ladies and gentlemen is what I signed on for.

I swear to god 24 hours I was convinced I was about to get fired again.  Now? I couldn't be more excited if I got a raise ... okay ... maybe I would ... a little bit.

Shit.  And I thought I was busy before :o
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