(no subject)

May 09, 2007 18:19

It truely sucks that the first journal entry I actually feel like making, has to be a slightly angry vent.

What sucks more, though, is the fact that I can't seem to get my words straight enough to actually write a full entry.

Ugh. Why the hell do his parents have to be so damn..unreasonable? To put it nicely, anyway.
They really need to stop switching things people have said, putting things in other peoples mouths and completely denying previous things they know for a fact they did just to try and justify yelling, screaming and getting the kids pissed off to the point they have to fuss and scream back at them. - It's like a little scheme to get the kids in trouble every single time, or at least get them down the road of being sad and depressed for a while. It's so stupid.

And it esspecialy pisses me off when they have to go and do it so much, that it leads up to making me worry my head off until I can get a hold of him again and have him reassure to me that it won't happen. -__-;
Ebil parents..

((This doesn't even seem to come together the right way in my head as i'm writing it out. It probably doesn't make full sense, but i'm not reading back over it to try and correct everything. Meh. ---- I wish I could see Zach.))

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