I don't know how many people saw, in amongst the words of sympathy for Amand-r in the thread over
here in dswdiane's journal, but
amonitrate asked, "Oh, Diane, do you think sending flowers would be appropriate? Or is there an alternative that Amand-r would appreciate more?" And, Diane told her, "I have just talked to Amand-r and she has said she would prefer donations to
www.heifer.org Look it up and look at it, okay."
I know the catalog says, "Each purchase is symbolic and represents a contribution to the entire mission of Heifer International. Donations will be used where needed most to help struggling people." I still hope the money I gave them will go towards trees. It's what I did in Tianyu's memory. That, and make this icon. *Shuffles off feeling like a complete dork.*