It was rudely interrupted before I really got a sense of how it ended. I'm going to describe it, and I'd be happy to hear guesses on what was happening at the end.
The Torchwood team was from a time-line that's AU from "Reset". Owen was very much still a living breathing character. There was no Gwen. Jack and Ianto had decided a while ago it was best to let Gwen and Rhys have a nice quiet life they could raise a family in far far away from the Hub. The Doctor was present in the dream in his Tenth incarnation, in all his hyper shouty glory. I was there, not as a member of the team or Companion to the Doctor, as an "old friend" of Jack's. What can I say?
sophiedb has said I make her think of Captain John Hart.
Some sort of temporal-spatial anomaly drew us all to a large busy five star hotel. While we were exploring the hotel trying to figure out what was going on their I became Jack, or rather an earlier version of Jack. The Doctor and Ianto where the first ones to see the hotel had gone from having just one Jack in it to having Becca!Jack and Jack!Jack in it. I was Jack from somewhere in his time-line after Rose made him a fixed point, but before "Everything Changes". It was close enough to the present I was dressed similarly to Jack!Jack, but I didn't sleep.
Ianto, the Doctor and Jack!Jack figured it was safest to keep Becca!Jack and Jack!Jack apart while everyone tried to figured out how I'd become Jack, and what would happen if we weren't kept apart. Being Jack drove me crazy, not from the finding most everyone attractive, though that was disturbing. Being Jack drove me crazy because I felt like the shark that has to keep swimming or die. I couldn't sleep. I could be active or I could be dead. Period. As the lack of sleep made me crazier and crazier I decided I'd see what happened if I touched Jack!Jack.
Somehow the fire alarm went off. I didn't set it off, but somehow it got set off. I was only coming to from having made an attempt to kill myself for some peace and quiet, when I realized the large busy five star hotel was emptying out in a panic. I saw in the panic a golden opportunity to get close to Jack!Jack. For whatever reason he was out of his greatcoat with his sleeves rolled up when I spot him. I had a chance to touch bare skin to bare skin. Of Course I was in the greatcoat, not hard to spot, but I managed to use to crowd to get close.
I touched him and nothing happened, or nothing seemed to anyway. Jack!Jack didn't even notice I'd done it because passed on by him in the crowd. Rather than be thrilled the world hadn't ended when I touched him, I was crushed nothing happened. I was still Becca!Jack, still sleep deprived. I left the hotel at a dead run determined to just run until I collapsed. I managed it, running until I collapsed. I remember still feeling the greatcoat around me as I faded to black face down on patch of gravel where some grass met some paved surface of some kind.
I came to again slowly. I was aware of a variety of voices around me. I managed to pick out Owen, Ten and Jack before the dream was broken. The thing that I realized before I woke up that was the most startling was Jack!Jack was holding me. I was half on the ground I'd collapsed on, and half drawn into his arms. I don't know if I'd reverted back to just Becca while I was out, if they'd figured out how to fix it while I was out, or if I was still Becca!Jack and Jack!Jack had just decided it was safe to touch Becca!Jack or forgotten it might be a bad idea.
That's the dream. Think I was me again? Think Jack just forgot touching Becca!Jack could be really bad? Maybe he'd realized how I'd touched him and not unraveled the universe? Heck, any idea how the Hell I became Becca!Jack in the first place? The dream was interesting, but it left me with a whole lot of unanswered questions, and no clear thoughts about what the answers might have been. Anyone with any ideas about it please feel free to share them.