so i learned to ski this weekend. or rather, i learned to try to ski. i don't know where the line is between when you are learning to ski and actually skiing, but i think it's somewhere *beyond* the point where you get super-anxious b/c your speed feels terrifically out of your control. i have not yet crossed that threshold, and thus, i am still learning. however, it was great fun... i only fell down (3x) on my first run down the bunny hill; after that i had a lesson and from then on, i was able to make it down to the bottom incident-free. i have to say, i do successful just b/c i managed not to kill any toddlers ;).
also included in this weekend was meetin's friday night supper club, which was basically 16 adults sitting around having pizza & beer & generally being just this side of rowdy in a public place ;)--yay! saturday was basically all day, what with getting up the mountain, skiing, and getting down the mountain. saturday night, one of the guys who went up to bogus basin invited us back to his apartment complex for hot-tubbing and beverages. it was wonderful after being out in the cold all day, and undoubtedly delayed some of the muscle soreness and stiffness i am experiencing today ;)... while it was a lot of fun, i got a little more-than-tipsy during this activity, and made a few comments and jokes which turned out to be more on the obnoxious side than i usually venture. thankfully, every person there was having enough of a good time to be cool about it, though i do feel bad that i sent mixed signals to j. i am still sorting out this whole 'be cool about stuff while we're in meetin' situation. it makes the most sense, of course, and i am a strong proponent of it, but when i have a couple of drinks, i tend to get more demonstratively affectionate, so in trying to avoid that, i sometimes accidentally swing too far back in the other direction. thankfully, he is both patient and good-humored about my tipsy behaviors, which of course makes me like him even more... then the three of us (me, j & h) made food & watched 'i heart huckabees' and 'the 40 year old virgin'; that seemed enough time for me to sober up to go to bed w/o fear of a hangover... the first of those was a bit existentially confusing to me, and while i was entertained and amused by parts of it, i think being not-quite-sober when it began hampered my full enjoyment of it. that being said, i'm not sure i want to see it again either; go figure.
sunday was a lazy hang-out day, sleeping late and lounging around a bit. i made a lovely
vegetarian pastitsio for j & i for dinner last night; he made a yummy bruschetta for us to nosh on while the pastitsio cooked b/c let me tell you, it took FOREVER to finish. it was very good, and lots left over too, which is a nice plus today, but if i were to do it again, i would likely not bake it quite as long as recommended; it was the tiniest bit dry when finished... in any case, a lovely weekend full of social activity & relaxation.
so tell me why today was an anxious day again?! i agree w/
eac that mondays suck as a transition, and these most recent ones more than many beforehand, but i also have lingering california-moving-uncertainty-itis... it's amazing how quickly my brain goes back to thinking about it whenever i'm not fully mentally engaged in something else. so i'm making an effort to keep busy. i did some returns to the mall and had my cell phone refitted with baby pink housing from start to finish. j called it 'the barbie phone' when he saw the package; i think that's apt but i don't care. i likes it ;). the only thing that may have to go is the antenna--it freakin' lights up & flashes red-blue-green, red-blue-green while it's in use. i thought that was only going to be when it was ringing; this may be more obnoxious & attention-grabbing than even i can take. i think the little battery inside can be disabled. we'll see.
now, if only one knew how to disable the little battery inside my worry-antenna?