Shitty ass week!

Sep 07, 2005 13:17

I am so glad it's Wednesday. I want this week to be over with. Usually it's just one day that sucks but no it's this whole week. So when Annie sang, "the sun'll come out tomorrow" well, that bitch was lying. I already have pretty bad road rage but have been really proud of myself for controlling my obscenities, until this week.  I was coming home from work yesterday and it's like a 25-30 minute drive down a busy street in the middle of the city.  I had not one, not two, but THREE people cut me off.  Normally I'd just be like, "dill-hole" and just keep driving.  But every single one of them didn't use their blinker.  How hard is it to use your blinker???  It's on the wheel so it's not like you have to reach behind you or up your ass and pull a lever or something!  I actually watched as one of these idiots cut off like 4 more people and not once did they use their blinker.  By this time I'm yelling words that would make Satan blush.  Then I saw this guy had his blinker on to come into my lane so I slowed down a little bit to let him in.  I was just so happy he had used his blinker! So I'm waiting, and waiting, and waiting.  Finally I just pull ahead of him and notice in my rear view mirror that he's just driving down the road with the blinker on. GRRR!!!!  People down here are stupid!  They either buy their car with the blinker on or the blinker off.  I guess they do this because they're so stupid they don't know how to use it!

Something else that pissed me off.  I was flipping through the channels on our satellite yesterday and saw that Care Bears was going to come on ToonDisney.  I love the Care Bears! YAY!  But then when the show starts they're computer animated and their voice all sound alike!  WTF?  These aren't the Care Bears! These are some fat bastards with voices as annoying as Teletubbies!  Tonight I may go to Block Buster and see if they have some of the old Care Bear cartoons.  The good ones...make Nick watch it with me..but he won't mind..he loves me :-)

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