Metro Elevators are on Strike?

Dec 01, 2016 16:16

There are 88 stone steps coming up out of the Capitol South metro station, and the other day all the up escalators stopped moving right about the time I got to their bases, so I pulled out my umbrella, put my black-n-pink backpack on my shoulders as per manufacturer's suggested usage, and gingerly walked up four flights of stairs. I went carefully, but steadily, making sure to lift the disobedient foot and place it with deliberation, but not too slowly.

To my delight, I arrived at the top with my heart beating faster, but no leg muscles screaming with lactic acid, no sense of acute breathlessness. Awesome. I remember this climb in early 2015, when I got to the top thinking, "There is really something mechanically wrong with me - this shouldn't hurt this much." It has been one of the few actual perks of dumping some weight - my joints are much happier, less pain in knees and shoulders.

medical, commuting, metro

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