After advising me that he would be in around 8:15 or 8:30, Elmer called this morning at 8:10, whilst I was on the bog, to tell me would be here in 35-40 minutes. Naturally, he arrived at 9:30 instead. I am curious why he didn't just tell me he would be here at 9:30 - 10:00, as Montgomery Scott would have, and then I could be delighted when he
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Similar problems to the over-the-garage scenario is the bathroom partially located on an overhanging chunk of house that shades the front stoop, leaving 2 sides with external walls. Pre-energy crisis, in sub-tropical areas, when bathing areas were mudded in, there was no need (and little technology) to insulate external walls around a shower, so we got a layer of fiberglass batting sealed in and nothing else. The mudding provided sound-proofing and some insulation.
Renovators come in and John-Henry out the mudding, pull open the walls to find crummy moldy insulation, and install a largely cement/mud free new plastic barrier shower, and it will be cold on winter mornings and echoey. Even with the replacement insulation and sound proofing, I assume we are looking at more echo and more cold. However, we are going with copper piping, which can ring, but for some reason is not as echoey as PVC, according to Elmer. He said he installed a shower in a newer house with PVC and no sound barrier and water running through the pipes made the shower ring. I would have assumed this was sales talk, but he mentioned the well after he had already put the stuff in.
Elmer will chat if he's in the mood, and he's pretty interesting and has offered no opinions such as the problem with America is all those jews, niggers, fags, spics, etc, so I have chatted back. He apparently learned from his gramma how to speak an older more rural form of Japanese, so he can manuover in Japan, but has been embarrassed by using a "redneck" word for something, such as asking for "the outhouse" not realizing that "toilet" is referred to with a completely different word in modern and urban areas. No vodka smuggling tales, but he did show me photos of his babies, in his case that would be the bathroom he build for his family. He apparently has a girl child who is 6 foot tall.
If you enjoyed Shaun of the Dead, you will probably like The World's End. I enjoyed that Nick Frost was not playing Simon's character's possibly-gay, weak, adoring bff, but a stern, surprisingly adult father figure of a bff. He did a great job; didn't know he had that in him. Simon was miscast as Gary King. That kind of guy, to get away with what he does, needs a certain amoral charm, and Pegg did not convince me that he had ever been that kind of *sshole. Still, I enjoyed. If you saw Hott Fuzz and were expecting a stoner comedy, you will be let down. I give it 6 out of 10, for fun monsters, and at least trying for themes, symbolism, and cheeky sense of humor.
Best line, after Gary tells the monsters they bit off more than they could chew taking on humanity (monster movie trope) is Frost, "Yeah! Because mankind is more belligerant, more stubborn, and more idiotic, than you could have possibly imagined!" Of course, I was the only person in the theater who fell out laughing at that.
I thoroughly enjoyed Shaun of the Dead, so I will take that as a recommendation. Did you see Paul, Pegg's film about the alien? Quite cute, I thought, and worth a look if you haven't.
I get into trouble for laughing out loud at inappropriate moments in horror films, or at moments of contrived suspense, so I sympathize with your lone chuckle.
The great thing about horror movies, otoh, is that they are demonstrably _fake_,so laughter is reasonable. There are no vampires, no evil ghosts, demons, aliens with anal probes, blobs, things, etc., in the real world, so on some level, your brain knows it's an elaborate put-on. You are totally looking for the strings. Okay, I am totally looking for the strings, and when the movie gets really far afield into the reality that includes blood-sucking body-snatchers from the planet Ceti Alpha Five, and then someone says, with evident and straight-faced horror, "They sucked out his brains!" I laugh out loud.
I have a theory that laughing also dispels nervous tension for some people, definitely for me, so when it gets too tense, I start laughing so I don't freak out.
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