Nov 11, 2012 16:00
After setting out catch-n-release traps for a week, we finally caught a mouse. Not in a formal trap, rather hubby looks down while sitting in the livingroom and says, "Hey, mouse," and there was a little dark gray mouse sitting frozen, caught out in the open. I grabbed a cup and after some scuffling around the magazine rack, popped it over his head. "Didya get him?" "I don't know!"
Yep, after inserting a stiff piece of paper under the cup and righting it, there was a mouse, looking frightened, eyeballing me back. We took him out the woods and left him there. Good news. A mouse caught without bloodshed. Bad news. Mouse looked adolescent, suggesting that he has 4-5 siblings scrabbling about in the walls and under the furniture. Gonna need some more traps.